About Crag_Antler

 See my Member Profile

Greetings, Reader!

I assume that since you're here, you must've enjoyed my posts and therefore can't get enough of me.  If that's the case, I highly recommend you devote your valuable time towards some other endeavor such as needlepoint, basket weaving, or, in the most extreme cases, model railroading.  There is little about me, personally, that anyone would find very interesting.  Well, at least little that I'm willing to share with a bunch of strangers, anyway.  However, rest assured that as soon as most of my relatives and former employers have died off, there will be a dam burst of scandal the likes of which the world has never seen!  Until such time, however, you'll simply have to make do with these few boring stats:

AGE:  Middle

LOCATION:  Southern California

MARITAL STATUS:  No complaints

CHILDREN:  Tolerated

TURN-ONS:  Anyone who's willing.  Preferably shaved.

TURN-OFFS:  Very necessary on winding mountain roads.


Wife:  "I need some new shoes." 

Crag:  "You need some what?" 

Wife:  "New shoes! New shoes!" 

Crag:  "Gesundheit!"