About CabinFever1555

 See my Member Profile

I am unremarkable for the most part. Most days when I am not working as a bookkeeper I am here in "my space" wading through life issues that my children drop in my lap or watching the antics of our 2 dogs and 2 cats or thinking..and writing...
United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Writer in a log cabin in the woods
Army Brat = Everywhere
Schools attended:
13 of them...cant remember much besides the 4 high schools
Favorite writers:
favorites have shifted...I am reading Paul Auster lately
Favorite books:
the one I am reading at a given moment
Favorite newspapers:
The Boston Globe (My daughter works there.)
Favorite music:
very eclectic tastes from oldies to country to latin to classic
Favorite movies:
The one I am watching when I take the time
Favorite TV shows:
Haven't watched TV on purpose in years