About Animal_Mother

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Thomas Wolfe is my hero, he professed his own genius at 23, published Look Homeward, Angel at 29, died at 38, some lives dont take 80 years to materialize. I'm 24, nearly completely self-educated, feel I owe nothing to society or the public at large save a bit of scorn and ridicule. I write with passion, hunger, desire, and necessity, and I won't apologize for a single syllable. Youre offended? Good, my message got through. I'm not the anarchist/Satan worshipper I may seem in some of my more outlandish prose, but I will not be timid when testing the boundries of my own mind. I think people are lazy, and excuse each other too often of their laziness. Life is not fucking Cliff's notes, Life is not the abridged version, Life is real, Life is the long way. I like my shitty job, I like being stereotyped, keeps my perspective healthy. I want to hoarde as much of my work as possible, have it all be released after my death, giving my generations thereafter fresh fortunes over which to fight (I hope souls arent deaf in the afterlife). I have profound shit to say, I know it, I've known it, anything i've let out into blogit-world thus far is but a blade of grass to my valley. Great writer's are always egotistical asshole's, because they know they're great writers, oh well, I do enjoy the sad irony. At any rate, in closing, I dont really give a shit how many pennies I earn on this site, its immaterial, but honest, raw feedback, thats the whole point isnt it? So give me a little and I'll let you peek through my curtain, otherwise piss off, I've got alot to do before I consider a suicidal Idaho demise, or some such....

United States
Primary occupation:
Student, of life and otherwise, store clerk
Dream occupation:
Disgustingly obscene Inheritence
Various parts of Florida
Schools attended:
High School (summer school all 4 years, arent'cha proud ma?), 7th Yr. College Freshman (Damned Writing Communications-I Hate Boundries)
I like:
Reading, Writing, Observation, Exercise, Cleanliness(though I hate to clean)
Favorite writers:
Tolstoi, Hugo, Thomas Wolfe, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Joyce, Kerouac, Buck, Tennessee Williams, Hardy, Keats, Dickens (sometimes), Salinger, Harper Lee, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, et al.
Favorite books:
To kill a mockingbird, War and Peace, Les Miserables', Grapes of Wrath, Look Homeward, Angel, To Have and Have Not, The Good Earth, The Catcher in The Rye, East of Eden, Death in Venice
Favorite newspapers:
Cheap inks stain the fingers, ladies always notice well kept fingers
Favorite magazines:
Pictures are nice, pretty, glossy ones
Favorite music:
Bluegrass, Blues, Jazz, Rap, Metal, Country (classic), anything but Ska really (cheesy band nerds)
Favorite movies:
Fight Club, Man without a Face, Gangs of New York, Braveheart, Halloween, Full Metal Jacket
Favorite TV shows:
Hmmm, TV is Satan's spawn, do get a kick out of that cheesy B-rate soft core porn on the movie channels post 10pm though, decipher a plot from those things, Dept. of Defense has a job lined up for ya.
Favorite quote:
"The welfare of the state lies in the character of its people." "Freedom? If Im fighting for a word, my word's poon-tang"
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