About Alcoga0127

 See my Member Profile

Writing about myself has always been difficult. I wouldn't want anyone to put me in a box and package me to fit their need to neatly label the ingredients such as "conservative" or "liberal".

I have always been an active participant in life's journey rather than a mere spectator or commentator. I believe in the fundamental right of free expression of thought, freedom to prosper based on the value one provides to the society at large, and freedom to be a jerk if that is one's choice. As long as we respect the rights of others and attempt to live in harmony with our fellow citizens without bringing harm to them, the American experience is good for all.

I am a student of history and believe that all things must be viewed in the context of the historical continuum. Learning from our mistakes is called enlightened wisdom. Learning from the things we do right is called "just plain smart".

I have led men in combat during the Viet Nam War and believe that there is nothing noble about war. It should be avoided if there are any other alternatives to dispute resolution. However, confronting a threat may be the only way to gain the other guy's attention, and force is justified when the threat to our safety and the safety of our nation is at stake. Once this decision is made, we should wage war with the utmost power and dominant force to bring the hostilities to a conclusion quickly. It should never be entered into without serious debate by our elected representatives.

I enjoy theatre and the arts. Theatre reflects portions of life and it is always good to look into the mirror once in awhile.




United States
Primary occupation:
VP Sales-Software Co.
Dream occupation:
VP Sales-Software Co.
Norwalk, CT
Schools attended:
Susquehanna University; Golden Gate University
I like:
Favorite writers:
James Michner, Steven Ambrose
Favorite books:
Texas, Alaska, Mexico, Space, A Bridge too Far
Favorite newspapers:
USA Today, Wall Street Journal
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Smooth Jazz
Favorite movies:
"We Were Soldiers"
Favorite TV shows:
West Wing
Favorite teams:
Miami Dolphins, Miami Hurricanes, FSU, Florida Gators
Favorite quote:
"Ask not what your country can do for you..."