About Ajeano

 See my Member Profile

Picture of Ajeano

United States
Primary occupation:
work for Tribe
Dream occupation:
Fort Yates, ND
Schools attended:
Lone Mountain, School of Visual Arts, Barnard, U of New Mexico, Arizona State
I like:
Brazilian Music, eating, movies, books, arts and crafts, yoga, metaphysics
Favorite writers:
Michael Crichton, Toni Morrison, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan
Favorite books:
The Red Tent, A Man in Full, Awakening the Buddha Within, For Those I Loved
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Brazilian, Hip Hop, Soul
Favorite movies:
Moonstruck, Godfather, Being Julia, DeathTrap, Gladiator, any Meryl Streep or Bette Davis movie,
Favorite TV shows:
Rome, Sopranos, Real Housewives of Orange County, The View, Rescue Me
Favorite quote:
Treat time like a precious jewel and the Light will guide you.