About 4Bare

 See my Member Profile

I joined this blog site to write more. My dream is to write a book one day  and to travel around the world. 
United States
Primary occupation:
Mom, Yoga Teacher and Asst. Controller
Dream occupation:
Motivational Speaker/Author
Schools attended:
9 schools in 12 years. Too many to name.
I like:
Writing, movies, leading my three groups(LOA, Artistic Women, Yoga) plus I love interacting with people
Favorite writers:
Anyone that took the courage to sit down and write
Favorite books:
Law of Attraction, Sound of Paper and books that help me think on a deeper level.
Favorite music:
I love it all
Favorite movies:
The Secret, Stranger Than Fiction, Romance Comedy and Independent
Favorite quote:
Exchange of Energy, How can you judge another until you walk in thier shoes.