Cookbook of Mom of 8

By wiserabbit

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Length: 6,917 words
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This is a compilation of the best of my recipes. I have many more but thought these would be a good starting place. There are simple every-day recipes and more complicated recipes for special occasions. The recipes are sprinkled with tidbits of information about their place in our lives. Over 25 delicious recipes!


Oriental Casserole

This is an easy recipe that just popped into my head one day. It can be frozen in single-serving portions for re-warming in the microwave. When the kids were small, not only was it difficult to go out to eat, it was far too expensive. This casserole brings the flavor of the orient to the table for welcome change of pace.

 Grandma Helen’s Apple-Onion Pork Chops

Grandma Helen was a delightful 4’11 lady who I remember best with her hair dyed a sandy light red color. She always had birdfeeders and her yard was beautifully kept, with plenty of flowers and a small herb garden. She taught me to sit quietly and watch the birds and squirrels in the yard. She had lovely knick-knacks everywhere that we didn’t dare touch and her house was always quiet, clean and inviting. When we went to her house we got the best cookies, Pepperidge Farm, and a cold glass of milk. At Christmas she always had a dish of beautiful ribbon candy on the coffee table and a large, well-decorated tree. The following is a favorite dish she used to prepare. R.I.P. Grandma Helen and thanks for the memories.

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