Is Love Eternal?

By QuailNest

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Is Love Eternal?
Love conquers all, but does it conquer death?  In religious terms it does.   The secular distinguishes between pleasure and love.  Love takes it’s texture and shape from variety and differences between people.  Plato identified Erotic love as a passionate longing and most idealized form of good which is less than or equal to platonic love, which to some is the highest form of love.  Buddha and Jesus displayed Agape love, which is companionate benevolence and embodies unconditional love.  Marcus Aquinas’s ancient writings spoke of the virtue of correct and complete love.



When friendship is founded on virtue lasting bonds are built that glue together relationships.  Friendship is founded through trust and benevolence, generosity and sensitivity.  Not all love is necessarily nice.  St. Augustine compared Eros with the love of God.  He pointed out that much of our dysfunction comes from expecting perfect eternal love form others, a void only God can fill.  Augustine concluded that humans are finite and our notion of romantic love is disordered.

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