Spirit of The Ecclectic...

By Javaret

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Price: $40.00
Length: 23,474 words
About Blogit Items:


Religion is not wrong but it is not right either. In this day and age of the information revolution, it is necessary for people to think and devise their own spiritual development away from the blatant and unrealistic demands of fundamental philosophies or theologies. This book describes the evolution of an ecclectic, me, and my thoughts about life, religion, and values as they change over the two years in blogosphere.They are arranged by chapters. Within each chapter, I go straight on to the issues at hand. They may be disjointed but they have been arranged thematically. Enjoy!



Chapter 1: Discusses the principles of this new ecclectic approach to spiritual living.

Chapter 2: Looks into the nature of divinity and truth.

Chapter 3: Looks at the issues of suffering and self.

Chapter 4: Discusses sexuality from a new perspective away from religious stigmatization.

Chapter 5: Discusses the purpose of life: to create synchronicities that suit us.

Chapter 6: Hones in on the many stories that describe this new spirituality.

Chapter 7: Draws the battle lines for modern living.


Chapter 8: Looks into Malaysia.


Chapter 9: Poems


Chapter 10: The Ecclectic Self.

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