Raid of the Killer Clutterbusters.

By cambria

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There are two types of people in the world: those whose homes are impeccable; and those whose homes look like.. a bomb site? Sally was one of the latter.


   Sally Potter stood in the middle of her living room and surveyed the scene around her. All she could do was sigh in despair. For in every direction she looked, she felt she was being engulfed by a tidal wave of clutter.

 "We are the untidiest family in the land!" she declared ruefully to herself. She observed with dismay how every available horizontal surface was burdened with the paraphernalia of books, hobbies, school projects, magazines, gadgets, ornaments and games.

   Day after day, Sally would manfully attempt to establish some sort of order in the midst of this creative chaos. But despite her best efforts, the house suffered as if from the aftermath of a major earthquake.

   The doorbell rang. Three friends had decided to pop in for tea. Lily, Patsy and Yvonne breezed in through the front door: then they stopped in horror.

   "Good Heavens!" exclaimed Lily. "Are you moving house?"

   "How do you serve meals?" asked Patsy, suspiciously surveying the dining room table, which groaned and creaked under the weight of several accounting books and files, the parts of a model sailing ship under construction, and a colourful array of interior decorating samples and scrapbooks.

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