Do As Thou Will (Chapters 57 - 68)

By mikes_goddess

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When a rich psychopath begins ritually murdering men in the small city of Logan’s Point, South Carolina, homicide detectives Scott Nolan and Louie Vega are thrown into a world totally alien to them and their guide through a maze of arcane clues, occult lore and twisted logic is Silver Thorne. A modern witch with a dead friend, Silver attempts to keep the detectives one step ahead of a killer not realizing that she may have started it all.


County Jail
4:45 P.M.

“We just missed him,” Louie called out to Nick as she rushed toward them in the parking lot.

“I have worse news.” Nick began hastily. “He saw Oscar yesterday and Oscar told Jeremy to go back to Paris.”

“Shit!” Louie swore.

“No time for that.” Nick stopped Louie’s temper cold. “You and Denny head on to Jeremy’s place in Columbia. I sent Tina and the new guy over to Oscar’s.”

“New guy?” Louie asked suspiciously. Nick knew she would never get it past him that easily.

“We will talk about it later,” She brushed him off. “I promise.”

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