The Blessing of Fibromyalgia

By skye08

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 Image waking up every day with the flu.  You wake with pain, nausea, dizziness, and weakness every day for years.  These symptoms are accompanied by extreme fatigue, sore spots on your arms, legs, chest, and back, chronic irritation  of the mucosa tissue of the mouth, nose, bronchial tubes, vagina and rectum, temperature intolerance, hot sweats, cold sweats, bladder spasms, painful urination,irritable bowel syndrome, weird rashes, slow growing hair and brittle nails, chronic pelvic pain, headaches, TMJ, endocrine imbalance, liver dysfunction, heart palpitations, eye dryness and irritations,  salt craving, abnormal tastes, restless leg syndrome, sound and light sensitivity and insomnia(St Amand,1999) These are just the tip or the iceberg.

Now, know that fibromyalgia is the best thing has ever happened to you!

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