Sea Horse

By henmylyn

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Sea Horse
A sea horse is a fish that has a long, tube-shaped mouth that looks like the snout of a horse. Most sea horses live in shallow, tropical seas. Sea horses are slow swimmers. They often use their long, flexible tails to cling to water plants.

       A sea horse is not really a horse. It’s a small fish with a head that resembles that of a horse. Most sea horses are tiny. In fact, the common sea horse, the biggest kind of sea horse, is only about 5 inches (13 centimeters) long.

        Sea horses are some of the strangest looking fish. A sea horse has big eyes and a long, tube-shaped mouth that looks like the snout of a horse. It has a slim body and a thin, flexible tail. Hard, bony rings that are like armor cover a sea horse’s body. Bony spines near the top of its back resemble a horse’s ears.




Many people keep sea horses as pets in home aquariums (water tanks). Sea horses are delicate and need special care. Each sea horse needs at least 2 gallons (8 liters) of sea water to stay healthy. Pieces of coral and other objects should be placed in the aquarium for sea horses to cling to.
A good diet for sea horses is live food, such as baby brine shrimp. If well cared for, sea horses can live as long as six years

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