Walking the Path of Darkness

By Writeart227

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Price: $10.00
Length: 772 words
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We fear dark as we are lost in the immensity of not knowing where we are. Truth be told there is darkness far more profound than we will ever find turning off a light switch. 


We fear the dark.

Children hide under the bedcovers in fear of the bogeyman or the poltergeist in the closet.

Adults see the night as foreign, a mysterious gate that allows all evil creatures to emerge to haunt their dreams and steal their souls. Some fear the night so much they, force themselves to stay awake just in case Poe's raven might alight on the bust over the door. They must use the brightest lights to illuminate the darkest corners of every room. The softness of a night light is welcome as they can find the way to the bathroom without stubbing a toe on an object they swear wasn't there yesterday.

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