Comments on Sometimes, The Sword Is Mightier Than The Pen

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If I may be so bold...
...There was a period in Christianity where the church attempted to rule by edict and stifle learning. Martin Luther and Calvin were leaders in the Protestant movement in Europe wherein they held that men should be educated and interpret the scriptures for themselves. The Inquisitions were a further attempt by the Catholic Church to control knowledge and the popular view of the world. Many of our early scientific scholars were deemed heretics and imprisoned. Politics and Religion seemed inextricably entwined and it took centuries of struggle for secularism to succeed. I see parallels in this history and what is occurring in Islam today. The evolution of these societies is further hampered by their tribal natures and the typical state of their economies. Knowledge is power and unenlightened constituents tend to be easier to control. However, knowledge has become almost impossible for the religious elders to control with satelite communications and the internet. Rising moderate reformist sentiments in Iran are a perfect example. I'm sure tomes could be written from this perspective. Of course, this is only my humble opinion.

posted by Tristan57 on March 1, 2004 at 6:19 AM | link to this | reply