Comments on Violent Verses from the Hadith

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Nautikos--  ha, so your critic blamed all the evil verses on "faulty translations".  What a load of crap.  For my reference,  I use a website maintained by Muslims,  that shows the actual Arabic of every verse in the Koran (which I cannot read),  and the English translation right below it. It is there for all Arabic / English bilinguals to see.  I think the Muslims are very meticulous in their translations,  because their fellow Muslims will raise hell,  and Allah will send them to hell,  if they mess it up,   LOL

posted by GoldenMean on December 12, 2015 at 7:13 PM | link to this | reply

Krisles-- wow, and what a response!  Thank you for taking the time to tell me how the cows are eating the cabbage..... or in this case,  how the cows ARE NOT eating the cabbage,  and why not,  LOL

I had not thought about the size of the Blogit population.  And there are so many different categories.....  we are all writers of some sort,  but most of us are passing each other here like ships on the sea at night,  I suppose.

I will keep posting the Islamic crap,  just in case someone new stumbles onto it,  or is attracted by a new post. 

I do indeed love getting one of your flowers, my dear!


posted by GoldenMean on December 12, 2015 at 4:27 PM | link to this | reply


I am going to try to explain my position on continuously responding to these posts.  Naut has done a very good job, and now I can see that you are also going to do a very good job, of presenting the kind of crap that these people have been indoctrinated with.  And you can see by the use of that designation, crap, what I consider it. matter how many of the verses you, or Naut....might put on reaction is that it's all crap and I have already....long ago....had my eyes completely opened to the fact that these savages are taking the inspiration for their actions straight from the crap written in the texts they can quote for 'validation' that they are soldiers for Allah.

I'm sorry that you aren't getting the response you would like....and that Naut doesn't get the response he would like.  You are getting a late start in providing this info, after Naut and Corbin, but Naut has been asking this question regularly.  Personally, unless it's new information, or a new slant on the situation, or a suggestion for ACTION AGAINST THESE SAVAGES, I simply can't do much for posts like this but leave some inane comment...or I can leave a flower that I was here. 

I suspect there are others with the same position...we understand that Islam is a religion full of this crap and that it's where these people get their juice....we get what do you and Naut expect us to keep saying?!  I get so frustrated with the "Why is there no response?"  There aren't that many readers here on Blogit in the first place!  Now look at the percentages of the population in the polls who lean left and right and apply them to those readers and you might have the answers.  Also, just an aside, are you counting readers or comments...there's a difference. 

The real issues, as I see it, are not figuring out how to get the readers of Blogit to respond to your posts, but how to keep America intact.  We are not going to get rid of the Muslims we already have here...nor the right of religious freedom in perhaps we need to learn to separate reformed 'Muslims' from 'Islamists'....and the main players in that need to be moderate Muslims themselves and that is where all of us need to be applying social and political pressure.  So, some information on how we can tell the difference is what would be helpful....and that I could respond to.

I hope you understand that I appreciate all the effort you put in to post all this crap.... I genuinely do.....I just don't know what I'm supposed to say to it.  You and Naut are absolutely's insane!  And, there could always be someone new on here who has never read any of this.  OK.....there!  You got a response!

posted by Krisles on December 12, 2015 at 12:54 PM | link to this | reply


It is puzzling, though I see it as part of the whole PC syndrome! But I forgot to mention earlier - one of 'em even told me that it was all based on faulty (and probably malicious) translations, giving me the impression (without actually saying so) that she did speak Arabic. I turned out later that she knew even less Arabic than I do, which is very little indeed, LOL...

posted by Nautikos on December 12, 2015 at 11:45 AM | link to this | reply

Nautikos--  yes,  the non-response is puzzling.  Does everyone already know these horrific verses???  They should show some interest now,  before our children or grandchildren are read these verses by their Muslim masters.

posted by GoldenMean on December 12, 2015 at 10:13 AM | link to this | reply


Thanks for doing this. I'm actually familiar with a lot of the Hadiths, especially al-Bukhari's (who was from Bukhara, as the name shows, LOL)...Some years ago I began posting some interesting Koran surahs, but the virtual non-response made me give up on it...I do hope you have greater success with it, and I might even start again - as you know, there's enough to fill books...



posted by Nautikos on December 12, 2015 at 9:31 AM | link to this | reply