Comments on No Pain, No Gain Makes No Sense

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Good points!

posted by PrincessLucy on February 4, 2004 at 7:30 PM | link to this | reply

You're right and wrong on this one
I've done weight training and I know that if you do not end up hurting after lifting weights, then you are not going to build any muscles. If you finish working out and do not feel something such as tired, then you most likely did it wrong. Pain is not always a bad thing. In most of the circumstances you mentioned, pain will end up helping a person grow. Emotional pain is a great example of this. Every time I have suffered emotional pain I have grown because of it. I would not be the person I am today if I never allowed myself to feel pain. So pain may be a warning system, but it is also something that helps us grow and understand the world better. So there is a logic to 'No pain, no gain'.

posted by kooka_lives on February 3, 2004 at 7:30 PM | link to this | reply

Personally, I don't enjoy pain. I only had one child because pain sucks.
What people gain by pain, I have no idea.  They must be masocistics.

posted by msaries on February 3, 2004 at 7:14 PM | link to this | reply

I don't know how long you've been on BN, but I'm glad I have found you.  I enjoy your posts.  This one was quite profound!

posted by CatLadyintheAttic on February 3, 2004 at 3:58 PM | link to this | reply