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i know where you come from because i'VE been through it all, im sorry to hear about your dad and i know it's not easy but since im a girl, it's harder because we r filled with feelings and emotions that would destroy us if not controlled! :(

posted by DoodyM90 on January 15, 2015 at 7:01 AM | link to this | reply

Believe it or not, I know exactly from whence you speak! I had been one of the 'down trodden' for most of my life too, probably due to a very overbearing and aggressive father. I rarely stood up for myself, rarely talked back to others, rarely defended myself, and I was one of those people who always thought of the right thing to say well after the fact! Not anymore! Forget about 'the dark side." I am now a Free-Thinking Non-Conformist, and anyone who gives me shit about anything gets it hurled right back at them! I'm discreet and respectful, but depending on the circumstance, no more Mr. Nice Guy! And it doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman. You must stay true to yourself . . .

posted by JimmyA on January 15, 2015 at 6:36 AM | link to this | reply


But I feel like the females are the ones who should be dark and evil more, because we are easily hurt by others. 

posted by DoodyM90 on January 15, 2015 at 2:27 AM | link to this | reply

Personalities change I suppose especially if one is being browbeaten by a stronger character. Unfortunately one is not suppose to show a dark side if one is female.

Nevertheless one does need to show strength of character. My Mother was quite a meek person. I asked her once if she was married and her husband hit her , what would she do? She said I would find a big stick and knock him down. 

posted by C_C_T on January 14, 2015 at 11:48 PM | link to this | reply