Comments on Misogyny--II

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Why, Just Why, Are You Singling Out "Fundamentalist Christians?" What

about the cruel and inhumane treatment that women and girls are being forced to endure in vast regions of the Middel East and Far East, in Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and atheist societies?

And what about all of the "non-fundamentalist" males in our own society who are doing such things as impregnating women and simply walking away, forcing women and girls to sell their bodies on the streets, beating the hell out of them on a daily basis, and abandoning their women and leaving them alone with housefuls of children?

And what about the astronomical murder rate of women by "non-fundamentalist" males in Brazil?

The sad truth is, millions-upon-millions of women and girls are being abused, exploited, degraded and forced to live as "second-class" citizens all over the world, and mostly by males who are not "fundamentalist Christians."

posted by Feenix on January 28, 2004 at 12:11 PM | link to this | reply

Women are held as second-class citizens in fundamentalist Christian thought, and have for centuries been persecuted for their natural beauty and fertility. Very sad.

Your blog is necessary and I hope you continue this. Information is the key to growth and understanding.


posted by ShawnMichel on January 28, 2004 at 11:51 AM | link to this | reply

immaculate conception fantasy

Did you know that because the ovum is a cluster of haploid cells, occasionally they can combine, and result in an "immaculate conception?" There is a technical term for this (it escapes me at the moment), and although it is very rare, it has occurred more than the once. Always it is denied and knowledge of it suppressed. Because many of the rituals of the Jewish religion are based on biologic events, and because, according to one of their leading contemporary theologins, worship creates God, it is obvious that anyone claiming such an event in the ancient world had to be destroyed! This also is the source of persistance of supernaturalism and miracles, for if such an event is supernatural (which it isn't), then other strange and inexplicable things that spring up in peoples imaginations must also be real.

posted by Able_Ergot on January 28, 2004 at 9:53 AM | link to this | reply

Interesting stuff Freerain. Very thought-provoking, I don't have a response, but you've made me think, which is important.

posted by _dave_says_ack_ on January 28, 2004 at 4:03 AM | link to this | reply