Comments on Religious freedom or child abuse?

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Polygamy has left an ugly legacy.

posted by aardvark on May 18, 2004 at 1:58 PM | link to this | reply

That's exactly what I was referring to
I'm familiar with baptism and temple ordinances by proxy - it's quite controversial among the Jews in particular, who managed to insist that the LDS church stop baptizing Jews by proxy in the belief that such baptisms represented an anti-Semitic practice. I'd heard what you say yourself - that LDS members feel they're doing a dead person's soul a favor by saving that soul posthumously.

posted by kidnykid on September 22, 2003 at 5:30 AM | link to this | reply

Baptisms for the dead
As a guru of world religions as well, I find your comments enlightening....not many people anymore realize the inherent risks involved with joining a religion, especially the psychological risks one takes....your family probably is listed and forgive me, but your late parents may have been baptized in a mormon temple by proxy....I know I started doing that when I was just 14 years old.....did it seem a bit weird? sure it felt a bit odd, but I also felt I was doing work that HAD to be done for the dead person's salvation....hey, some think you have to chop off foreskin......go figure.

posted by narcissus15 on September 21, 2003 at 8:19 PM | link to this | reply


You're right about the chameleon-like nature of the LDS church. Nobody mentions blood atonement anymore, for example, but neither has it been officially repudiated. (No, I'm not LDS, nor am I former LDS, but I'm just someone who loves to research religion.) And the LDS repudiated polygamy (AKA plural marriage) pretty much because the church wanted to see Utah become a state, and the only way Utah could become a state was to give in to the pressure to prohibit polygamy.

Heck, I'll just bet my late parents have been baptized Mormon already. Mom was fully aware of the genealogical work of the LDS church. She used to tell me all the time that she always thought we had been listed in their genealogical records.

posted by kidnykid on September 20, 2003 at 7:28 AM | link to this | reply


The Church of JEsus CHrist of LAtter-Day Saints is religious group known for its chameleon like behavior....Once they thought they were ABSOLUTELY not Christians and now they suddenly are....I could go on and on....mormonism was once a huge part of my life and i'm happy that my true colors don't change anymore.

posted by narcissus15 on September 19, 2003 at 8:15 PM | link to this | reply