Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to believe anything the government tells us anymore . . .

posted by JimmyA on July 10, 2013 at 6:09 AM | link to this | reply


And then again, perhaps you had no reason, no markers for addiction. Perhaps you were one of the lucky ones. The point of the post wasn't addiction, it was what happens when they come for you. The point of the post was government cannot be trusted just because your friends happen to be in office now. The point of the post was that the worm turns. I too I have rid myself of all my addictions, alcohol, cocaine, pain pills, heroin, and yes, tobacco too, however, I think that if it were not for what my government told me about pot, that just maybe I wouldn't of tried other things...But then there was the pain, and the pain needed medication, just not the self introduced.

posted by UtahJay on July 6, 2013 at 9:15 PM | link to this | reply


I did my share of that stuff, and maybe more than my share, lol, though the only thing I ever got addicted to were the ciggies, and I kicked that bad habit quite a while ago. Yet I never saw any of that in political terms, but rather as matters of choice, were I exercised my freedom to chose even the illegal stuff (the weed)...I also tried just about everything else, again making the decision I would not allow myself to get to the point were I might become addicted...

posted by Nautikos on July 6, 2013 at 6:36 PM | link to this | reply

I do not trust our government either.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on July 6, 2013 at 5:53 PM | link to this | reply

This is politics at its best and propaganda.  When I studied that in high school, I did not get it. Recently I saw a quote that stated: until you experience it, you never learn that which is in print.  As a school administrator, I learned that a change in leadership of any kind meant change in structure and a change in the thinking and ways of the new leader. You either rolled with the new leader, GOOD OR BAD or get annihilated without choice no matter previous status or loyalty.

Bottom line the government can be set to do good.  The thinking and doing of the individual is what makes things go wrong.  Leaders who do an ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL mantra develop a mindset of a dictator and get followers who suck people in and destroy them. Good post.

posted by Dr_JPT on July 6, 2013 at 1:58 PM | link to this | reply