Comments on Hearing God, Speaking for God, Channeling God,

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Re: Sinome,

The really interesting thing about the layers of mind and spirit, is that they are so connected, it is hard to determine what comes to the consciousness rising out of our own subconscious--which is such an immense pool of awareness and capability, that it can run several entirely different people, not just personalities, but people with various and diverse capabilities and even physical characteristics, like 20/20 vision in one, and extreme myopia in another--versus what comes through us from our own spiritual self, and what comes from even further from our simple little consciousness.  It's like the sky question: How high is up? 

Inspiration can come from anywhere that is not consciousness: It is what we get when we stop trying to know everything intellectually and listen to intuition, and open to inspiration.

posted by Ciel on June 22, 2013 at 9:41 PM | link to this | reply

Very interesting post Ciel.  In my experience there is something, call it a voice or an energy or whatever... but something that clearly influences what we think and do... When I write I sometimes feel words just flowing out of me as if someone else were dictating them... and when I read things I have writen a while back they feel as if they were new to me... Of course you could say is just part of being older but its not because its been happening to me all my life.  Great post!  xoxoxo

posted by Sinome on June 22, 2013 at 9:15 PM | link to this | reply

Interesting and good post. The individual mind is complicated. Our culture shapes our thinking and perceptions. Depending upon whether our voices or voice comes from the inside or outside determines our decisions.

posted by Dr_JPT on May 12, 2013 at 4:11 PM | link to this | reply


I haven't heard that 'braided entity' concept before, but it fits right in with the 'parts' model of the mind.  In a sense, they are real: they are your own 'parts' communicating, but not real in the sense of them being external voices.  And many great writers have said that the stories they write are told to them from voices or a voice within. 

posted by Ciel on May 4, 2013 at 7:36 AM | link to this | reply

I have lots of conversations with myself.

Not out loud, but in my head. Your thoughtful post brings to mind the idea of "me, myself and I" as a braided entity. One speaker is cautious, another is impulsive, another says what-if. Sometimes I feel one of these is looking over my shoulder, evaluating what I do, such as having that afternoon cup of caffeinated coffee when I know better, etc. I know these others are not "real." Always thought it was part of the writerly personality.

posted by Pat_B on May 4, 2013 at 7:18 AM | link to this | reply