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I love the library! sam 

posted by sam444 on March 17, 2013 at 9:42 PM | link to this | reply

Very useful tips. I must admit, I don't take full advantage of my local library, and it's primarily due to time constraints. Believe me, if I had the time, I would love to read almost every book in existence ( kinda like Burgess Meredith's character in that Twilight Zone classic "Time Enough At Last" ) As for the pharmacy situation, I guess I'm one of the "lucky" ones . . . I have no prescription medications in my life whatsoever. But if I ever do . . .

posted by JimmyA on March 16, 2013 at 11:16 AM | link to this | reply

doing some research

after reading your post today i started doing a little research, no not on your post, but in a way on about your post.  i started browseing in blogits different catagories and i noticed something that made me think, some of these catagories have not been blogged in for some time, some almost back to 2010.  it amazes me that, and this is none of my business, but, with all the good info you are giving, you are not receiving the comments. i am going to research this further, but does it matter in what catagory we post our blogs???

posted by jeansaw on March 15, 2013 at 5:09 PM | link to this | reply

more good infor, thanks

posted by jeansaw on March 15, 2013 at 4:57 PM | link to this | reply