Comments on The job numbers

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Bridges and roads and highways are falling apart all around me and I know it is a national decay..imagine if the government ended all wars and foreign occupations and redirected those monies to infrastructure rebuilding. It would create jobs for so many over a long period of time. And the economy would heal, because when people have money to spend, they do spend a goodly amount of it. This is a true trickle up effect - small businesses would be created, more tax revenues to apply to the debt, less need for social programs...maybe we could even look forward to tax cuts for everyone eventually!
Yeah, I'm a dreamer, lol..

posted by Katray2 on March 13, 2012 at 8:03 AM | link to this | reply


It's a very complex issue. But the bottom line is this: While a government cannot create jobs (other than by increasing the government's bureaucracy) it can have an impact on the conditions, lets call it the 'climate', that will or will not lead to the creation of jobs by the private sector. And that's were the current US administration is falling woefully short...

posted by Nautikos on March 13, 2012 at 7:36 AM | link to this | reply

That may be true, but several articles I have read over the past year or so indicate that many employers do favor older applicants simply because of their age, experience and most importantly, their work ethic. Perhaps it's regional, but it seems as though many a young upstart working for just about any type of company likes to simply go through the motions, and then stick out their hands on payday for an undeserved paycheck. Hang in there! I know that if I had an up and coming company, I would probably much rather hire people in their fifties and sixties than in their twenties or thirties! 

posted by JimmyA on March 11, 2012 at 10:43 AM | link to this | reply

Sadly this is the most realistic Post that I have read for a long time.

Of course I am not American so I have no right to comment on domestic policy but it is universal to fudge the figures to help one's self and it is universal that older is invisible.

It is also true univerally that retired folk just keeping their heads above financial drowning have the best lawns and the best gardens in the street.

Growing vegies and fruit can save so much and flowers give us the joy of achievemnt and beauty to enjoy. good luck though with the job hunting.

posted by Kabu on March 10, 2012 at 1:26 PM | link to this | reply