Comments on Stanford Hoops takes two "toughies" without star player Dwight Powell

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The greatest collegiate QB of all-time is Andrew Luck! Adios, Sam!

The draft decides who is the greatest of all-time. Andrew Luck would have been drafted first Last draft. He will be drafted first in the upcoming draft. He led a "dead" Stanford program to the top of the NCAA heap. Add all his stats together and he's what efficiency is all about! And QB efficiency is what takes a team from 1-11 to "the top of the mountain."

I still believe BushCheneyRoveGingrich, with the Koch brothers buying the koch. Are about to murder this planet! If you're not bright enough know what HAARP is and what it does, I guess your just good at gossip.


posted by Tahoe_Red_Dog on November 18, 2011 at 10:43 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Re:

It's not about him being drafted #1, it's about the hoopla over the Heisman and how he has been the front runner all season until they got their butts kicked! I think he is a great person and should have an awesome career in the NFL, and if he goes to the Colts, he will have Peyton Manning as a potential tutor and that can only be good for him! My guy is not a high draft pick nor do I expect him to play in the NFL, he is too short and not mobile enough! But I will stack his record up with Luck's any day of the week because I believe as a college QB, Moore is one of the greatest to every play at that level. He is 46-3, and his 3 losses are by a mere combined 5 points. I know your guy can't say that! And why do you resort to name calling, I am not darkside sam, I am as open as the day is long! So, I shall not return to your blog and I wish you all the best! And this from Standford football blog:  In the first five games of the season, Luck was completing 73 percent of his passes with 14 touchdowns and two interceptions with an average of 286.5 yards per game. In the last five, the completion percentage dropped to 68 percent with 15 touchdowns, five interceptions and 259.4 passing yards per game... So I hardly place these numbers in the greatest category! Have a nice day! sam 

A little post script for you:

Kellen Moore
  • Passing Statistics:
     pass completions; 345 pass attempts; 3798 passing yards; 71% completion percentage; 10.16 yards per pass attempt; 33 TD's; 5 interceptions; 185.04 passer rating

Andrew Luck
  • Passing Statistics:
     pass completions; 349 pass attempts; 3051 passing yards; 70.2% completion percentage; 8.74 yards per pass attempt; 30 TD's; 8 interceptions; 166.10 passer rating

posted by sam444 on November 17, 2011 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply


If Stanford finishes with only one loss, that's three excellent years in a row for Luck's Stanford. Over the last three years, has been the greatest QB in collegiate history. Watch where he's drafted. It'll be the same place he would have been drafted last year. Number One! As in "best of all time!" I'm proud to be a fan of the greatest university in the world, no matter what suddenly darkside Sam is saying now.  

posted by Tahoe_Red_Dog on November 17, 2011 at 2:15 PM | link to this | reply

The Standford football team took a beating and Luck is out of luck on the Heisman, too! I thought a lot of it was all hype anyway! Same for my Boise State team, a lot of hype but not really legimate contenders for the Heisman! Neither one should be invited to the ceremony when they fail to lead their teams to victory in the most important game of the year! sam 

posted by sam444 on November 17, 2011 at 12:11 PM | link to this | reply