Comments on STILL SMILING!

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Happy Sunday to you guys luv.

posted by WileyJohn on September 18, 2011 at 10:53 AM | link to this | reply

If the doctors want you to see their specialist first, then they should

darn well get you in there before your appointment in Ottawa!  Sometimes doctors seem to forget who is in charge.

You two are creating a marvel of Light in a benighted world! 


posted by Ciel on September 17, 2011 at 4:31 PM | link to this | reply

A big hello to you both, and I pray for you.† My brother Dan has  something on his lung too but he is the type that just goes silent and doesn't return calls or anything.Well he's lived with a colostomy bag for years,so he just deals with it all with his wife.Anyway he's 80 and I'm 75 so nothing I can do. Good to see you writing again and say hello to Bird.

posted by WileyJohn on September 15, 2011 at 5:16 PM | link to this | reply

I am glad that in spite of it all he has still maintained his sense of humor.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on September 15, 2011 at 11:00 AM | link to this | reply

WELL andor the decision is his, he has made a choice and one has to accept his veiwpoint of course we all want to hold on to our loved ones as long as possible and you are remarkable for tending to your brother, one can only hope he can retain his good spirits as long as possible and you can cope, one tends to forget it is as bad for the carer.       

posted by C_C_T on September 15, 2011 at 9:18 AM | link to this | reply

You and Bird are very special and I absolutely agree with the

dignity thing. Docotors very often worry more about time....nurses worry more about quality and I feel very calm that Bird will cross that River when he is ready......and when the time is right.

You are both such an inspiration and much loved here, and we continue to pray for you both.

Thank you for the update darling.

posted by Kabu on September 15, 2011 at 8:59 AM | link to this | reply

Nature's remedies are awesome.  I was just yesterday watching a program about growing trays of wheat grass and then juicing it (not the tray, just the grass).  One ounce of that a day should make a Superman/woman out of anyone.
Love and prayers to/for the both of you.

posted by TAPS. on September 15, 2011 at 8:19 AM | link to this | reply

What a difficult decision to make but I love his attitude! And such great nerve to wear his Toronto cap in Hab-land! I absolutely love it! I hope you two have the longest good-bye on record! I remember when my BIL died, we had time to say good-bye too! It's never easy but somehow in the knowing acceptance comes much sooner than later! I continue to pray and perhaps this new treatment will make a difference! So, the hockey season is fast approaching and for me not a moment too soon! I just learned today that my state has the slowest speed in all the US so that might explain all the problems I had last year. Now I can stop cursing at the provider and blame it on the mountains, lol! We also have the slowest city, but thankfully it's not mine! And I read not to long ago that Sid the Kid is still not well enough to play after all these months. I hope the NHL will address vicious hits to the head. Sid is great for the game and it's so sad he is so young and so affected by all of this! So Go Habs, Wings and now we add the Leafs! It's going to be a fun season so tell Bird to hang on cuz his team is going to get the puck kicked out of them by ours! LMAO! sam 

posted by sam444 on September 15, 2011 at 6:42 AM | link to this | reply

I love Bird. And the tech who had the sense to see
the man and not the medical condition. Come to think of it, that superfood diet would be good for all of us. Hugs to you both! :)

posted by Pat_B on September 15, 2011 at 6:24 AM | link to this | reply

 there are special moments of love, of sharing, of laughter, that would probably not occur during days of ordinary existence, and for that I am grateful. 

R Bird and you are in my prayers  love. BC-A, Bill’s R®st

posted by BC-A on September 15, 2011 at 5:22 AM | link to this | reply