Comments on Fox News new theme, Twist and Shout

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Another thing that has suffered...
Is parent involvement, parents would rather play wii than help a kid with math.

posted by food4thought on March 7, 2011 at 5:57 PM | link to this | reply

I am all for teachers, but I am for the student more, did you know that over thirty two percent of 8th graders in Wisconsin read at a sub-par level, it just seems to me that since the unions took over the grades went down. It is that way here as well, it is sad when one must send their children to private schools to get a decent education and have to pay union teachers too, that have no reason other than their personal pride to do a good job, they can't be firerd, and then we see them getting a doctors note while they protest so they wont miss any pay tells me they are lax in their morals as well. My grandson's private school teacher makes half as much as public school teachers here do and does a better job. The fact is that unions do not belong where their dues goes to politicians that promise to give them more benefits in an arena that has no real competition. In the old days we called that corruption.

posted by UtahJay on March 7, 2011 at 3:20 PM | link to this | reply