Comments on Book Review: Crocodile Tears (Book 97 out of 100)

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The -BonAnZa ZoNe !!
I think that in any story, you set perameters that it's understood the characters will work within. If you step outside those perameters, you can have a problem. For ex. (and please excuse this ex...) On the 90's T.V. show 'BONANZA' --Hoss can run across cattle rustlers on the Pondarosa, and have a gun fight with them. That's O.K. because it's within the perameters of the show. -If Hoss becomes aware of the rustlers, becomes enraged-turns green expands to 10 times his size, gains exponential strength -then leaps 2 miles through the air, to land in the rustler's camp- and then proceed to pulverize them--- leaving what's left to be eaten by -Little Joe- who has turned into a wearwolf  ----Then that Doesn't work, because it goes beyond the perameters that you expect the characters to act within. ( Of course there are exceptions to everything, as that may have actually improved that show ... )

posted by NeomancerNorthStar on October 14, 2010 at 3:46 PM | link to this | reply

It's always disappointing
when a character you enjoyed goes out of character

posted by jollyjeff on October 13, 2010 at 12:58 PM | link to this | reply