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RSM, you need to look up 'compliment' and 'spin' in a dictionary
Because you very much do NOT understand the meaning of either of them.

Yes, I do not agree with everything Obama does.  You have even said you did not agree with everything Bush did. But of course you are unable to see who hypocrisy, no matter how often you display it and how often I point it out to you.

And yes, "even the most politically challenged can see a mistake when it is rammed down their throats", such as invading Iraq and the (UN)Patriotic Act just to name a few.  Yet you don't call those mistakes, so I have to wonder just how politically challenged you are.  The thing is that while there are aspects of the Health care plan I dislike, most of it is good and needed and will make things better for us. I have also pointed out that the bill could have been far better of the Republicans had stopped playing childish political control games and worked with the other side to get a better bill passed.  A lot of the crap that ended up in the bill got there becasue they had to put it in there to get the votes.

And no, dsm's comment did NOT prove anything in your batch of pure, 100% poorly conceived spin to be any where close to accurate.

And yes, your post was PURE spin, nothing else.  Most of your post and comments are more spin that facts or truth.

And no, I don't have a clue what movie you are referring to. I could make some guesses, but it is clear to me that you have no idea about my tastes. I'll guess Tombstone, but I've not see it so I could be off.  How many movies are there out there with the character Doc Holiday in them?

Lucky for us, the US and the rest of the world that you are as always wrong, as wrong as it gets.  Anyone who studies history will see that we continue to go more and more liberal.  Why?  Because liberal ideas are proven to not only promote progress and growth in our society, but are in truth what actual freedom is all about.  We continue to become a better society the more liberal we get. So try to 'gun down' liberal idea all you want, becasue in the end you will fail.  History has shown us thsi to be the way it goes.  But if you wnat to live under the control of the Church of England and own slaves and have women treated like second class humans, then you by all means find a remote island and start a pure, true conservative society that does not have to deal with all the liberal concepts that have been part of shaping the USA since it was founded.

posted by kooka_lives on April 6, 2010 at 2:56 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: KOOKA, You cant believe it is me saing this, but I truly beleve
I do have some and I am saving it because it is worth more than the US dollar right now.

posted by RedStatesMan on April 6, 2010 at 7:21 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: KOOKA, You cant believe it is me saing this, but I truly beleve
save your Confederate money, boys!

posted by Xeno-x on April 6, 2010 at 5:58 AM | link to this | reply

Re: KOOKA, You cant believe it is me saing this, but I truly beleve

OH, what a revelation I have had here folks! What I see here is interesting to say the least. Here we have a comment that all but states that maybe, just maybe, hillary should have been elected. Oh, the shivers up and down my spine are enormous right now! I am tingling at the comments that I have read from libs everywhere on the net! Finally, maybe, it is coming to all, the mistake that they made back on 11/4/08 (I will never forget that date as it is in my mind just under 9/11/01). Not too sure about dsm tchr...seems to be liberal (I can sense it, smell the liberalism) but is engaged with both sides; interesting. However, what a comment1

As I said many times before, if I had to have a liberal in the WH then it should have been hitlery; at least that way I would have known what to expect instead of the communist/socialist hussein. Now folks, you are seeing more and more libs questioning each other. Even the kooka has stated that he does not agree totally with the healthcare plan. Folks, even the most politically challenged can see a mistake when it is rammed down their throats. This comment proves that my post is a fact and is valid; as I knew it would be when I wrote it. Too bad that kooka excluded my explanations but that is normal.

At this time I would like to announce that due to kooka's claims that I am the "ultimate conservative" and the "true king of conservative spin" (however all of you know it is not spin) I have decided to unblock the kooka! These compliments are just too much as I feel that I do not deserve them albeit they are the highest compliments I could have possibly have received. Yes, I have once again unblocked kooka, to yet take him on in future political debate battles. My sword is ready, sharp and ready for the political kill of liberalism. As for kooka, he has been unleashed on my future blogs and I have this to say to him:

 Ed, what an ugly thing to say. I abhor ugliness... does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know, Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it. There. Now we can be friends again.~

Doc Holliday
I am 100% certain that kooka understand the reference to this movie quote because it is one of his favorite movies. I just hope he understands the rest of the movie because I will be riding on a horse eliminating liberalism wherever it hides with facts, reasoning and logic!
Here's your sword back kooka and good luck, you will need it my arch enemy!


posted by RedStatesMan on April 5, 2010 at 8:26 PM | link to this | reply

KOOKA, You cant believe it is me saing this, but I truly beleve
Hillary as totally risen to the job she holds, demonstrating for anyone who cares to see, that she could do the same in the White House.  Dont count her out.  PS Karzai is nuts.  We're trying to avoid a regime change a la President Diem of South Vietnam.  Remember/  Bad move Jack...

posted by dsm_tchr on April 5, 2010 at 6:36 PM | link to this | reply