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Fox news need updates to be accurate

posted by adventurer02 on November 6, 2015 at 11:27 PM | link to this | reply

Wil, yes
There are Millions of American out there who are greatly misinformed and very dangerous.  How else did we end up with Bush in office for eight years? How else cna you expalin so many people defending us going into Iraq?  Or being so against Health Care reform without understanding in the least what it is really going to do? And those dangerous people are wanting to get Palin elected President... That is a extremely misinformed and dangerous crowd who watches Fox news.  My in-laws are part of that group.  They are very misinformed and confused about what is going on around them.  They voted for Bush and have defended all of his acitons that hurt this country and they are saying Palin should be the next President.  That all is dangerous thinking.

Well, Obama got elected by saying he was going to push for Health Care reform... So that alone destroys most of your argument. He was ELECTED to the office of President, which means he is to govern over us (Not rule and I've seen no signs of him trying to rule over us, that is right wing propaganda) and the main reason so many were opposed to Health Care reform, after so many were for it when Obama got elected, was because of the right wing propaganda that was filled with a whole bunch of lies and misinformation.  While I have issues with some of what is in the bill that just got passed, for the msot part it is a huge step in the right direction and if the peopel were better informed I very much believe that the majority who were not playing the party game, would be for it and understand that is very much will benefit them.  If it were not for all the BS games teh Republicans were playing, this bill really could have been something impressive that would have really made things better. But becasue they needed to get all the votes they could to overcome the GOP wanting to keep congress from getting anything done, they had to screw the bill up in all manner of ways to buy some votes.  If you look at this with any sense of logic, it is the fault of the game playing conservative a-holes that this bill was not better than it was nad that so many people were confused about what it really says and will do.

posted by kooka_lives on March 30, 2010 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply

Fox News
While I will agree with you on some of your points about Fox News, I do however disagree with your assessment that the people that watch Fox news are a dangerous misinformed crowd. Out of all the major cable news networks, Fox has the highest viewership.

Now keeping that in mind. Are saying, that the millions of Americans, who watch Fox News are dangerous and misinformed. 


Is one to conclude, we are better off, allowing those who believe the have to right to rule over us, to make laws that we, that majority, do not agree with?

Before this nation gave birth a significant number of our Founding Fathers printed there own news papers. The first chapter of "The Federalist Papers", for example , appeared in the New Your Journal in October, 1787.


Was this not considered as propaganda by those who were against ratifying the Constitution?

posted by WilStevens on March 30, 2010 at 7:50 PM | link to this | reply