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Re: I'm with the first two commenters.

Thanks but I am going to put off even getting a bed for now until I get back from an upcoming trip to Louisiana. And, I'll be going to Ikea to accomplish this. While they're part of the big, bad corporate machine they at least adhere to corporate social responsibility and use as much renewable materials as possible. In a few more months the money thing won't be an issue and I can get something I like from a company that I feel better about spending my money with.

 - LGB

posted by Little_Girl_Blue on March 26, 2010 at 9:47 AM | link to this | reply

I'm with the first two commenters.
What a frigging mess.  I'm one of those people that has shopped at WalMart out of sheer lack of money to spend elsewhere, but I'm fixing that by growing as much of my own food as I can, for starters.  Craigslist isn't too great around here either (rural Montana), but I find that necessity breeds invention.  For about 60 dollars apiece, we were able to build our own platform beds, with storage underneath.  Want me to send you the plans?

posted by myrrhage_ on March 25, 2010 at 7:29 AM | link to this | reply

It really does go agin my grain not to support local businesses.  It seems we are at risk from corporations every which way.  I call myself a sell-out coward every time some similar situation as the one you described (very well, by the way) comes along and I choose money over virtue.  Maybe, in the great scheme of things, we're moving to a Star Trek-like future in which the world itself is our community?  That's the only good spin I can put on the loss of individuality.  

posted by OutaBreath on March 25, 2010 at 7:10 AM | link to this | reply

I am not a Wal-Mart shopper, either! I like Target, too! What a mess! I aver the consumer is nothing in this society! We are just a number and that seems to be it! What a mess! sam

posted by sam444 on March 24, 2010 at 4:33 AM | link to this | reply