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Re: Ash

Dear Kooka,

Here's a suggestion...Make a list of all the titles (just the titles) of all your existing essays, then make a list of titles of the future ones that you wish to write some day (believe me you'll find the time if you have enough passion for it.) Then just let the list sit for a few days, look at it a few times, and ask yourself what are some of the major underlying themes that seem to be running through your self when you are writing, eg, religion is not a theme but "values" (whether based on religion or not) is, which I personally think is one of your themes and you're very passionate about. Then think of some catchy short book titles that capture the themes, and group your essays within them. Now you got the initial draft of one or more books and you're on your way to becoming a published writer. So long as you've something of value to say, the market will open up, don't worry about it at this stage. Think positively and go for it. You are young, and have a bright writing future ahead, plus it'll give you a much needed creative outlet than endless arguments here with a few that don't go anywhere.

Btw, I sorta intuitively went through the above mental process for the last few weeks and am now well on my way to suimultaneoulsy writing a series of books that my family, friends & publisher think have good potential: Cosmic Reflections, Rhythms of the Heart, Nuggets & Pearls, Resonating Relations, Random Walks. Hope you'll sample them, the first one "Cosmic Reflections" will come out Oct/Nov, and I'll let my blogit friends, who have been of tremendous help, know when it does. To my pleasant surprise, the publisher just informed me that they are planning a major media blitz to include some major newspapers like The Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, SF Chronicle, and others. So like I said, don't worry about marketability, if it's meant to be, if you believe in your heart of hearts that you have something of value to say to the world, go for it, and both time & markets will open up.

My best wishes to you and your father, he has obviously done a good job of raising a good son.

Take care,

Ash Pradhan    

posted by ash_pradhan on September 18, 2009 at 8:44 AM | link to this | reply

I've thought about trying to collect all my religious posts here on Blogit and editing them and seeing what I came up with.  Not sure the marketability of that though.

Of course I have no end of ideas for writing.  Just don't have the time to get it all done.

posted by kooka_lives on September 17, 2009 at 2:51 PM | link to this | reply

All these titles sound intriguing...
have you considered writing & publishing a book of essays?

posted by ash_pradhan on September 17, 2009 at 11:04 AM | link to this | reply