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Re: ash_pradhan - I didn't actually "vow to quit" - I have quit
Thanks Gome, I understand, who can argue with this reasoned commentary!

posted by ash_pradhan on August 31, 2009 at 9:31 AM | link to this | reply

ash_pradhan - I didn't actually "vow to quit" - I have quit

Currently I'm removing some of the content I would like to keep and if compelled to comment before my subscription expires, I will.

This exchange (this post and its comments) can be used as an example of where I lost interest in this type of dialog. The utter absurdity of the entire picture this particular online interaction illustrates, seems to become lost on us as we become more and more conditioned to accept lower standards of personal conduct.

We have a person responding to questions in their own blog because the author of the original post where the questions appeared has this person blocked. Without bothering to examine why this is so (I really don't care why), the fact remains that only one person has bothered to answer the questions. All other comments on this subject have either been irrelevant or partisan drivel.  

Then we can look at the comments here to see where the absurdity becomes more pronounced. We have one commenter that seems completely oblivious to just how offensive, juvenile and clueless his remarks are, feigning indignation (it may be real in his mind) over what can only be described as a personal subject that must be treated with extreme caution. The remarkable part of this is that it has only been those with differing beliefs or philosophies that have somehow prompted this indignation. I have been accused of breaching this subject as well, which is not just a coincidence.

Then you come along and tell an atheist that God cares about him.  

Like I said in my earlier comment, this is funny.

posted by gomedome on August 31, 2009 at 8:28 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Wow!
maybe it's because, RSM, that most conservatives are afraid of others expression points of view different than theirs.

posted by Xeno-x on August 31, 2009 at 8:00 AM | link to this | reply

Kooka & Red...

I'm sorry to learn for the first time in detail about your close families' health problems. May God help you all through your trials. May I suggest to you both that, as much as it hurts more when it comes to our own families, God loves & cares about all families in His own ways. So, as hard as it might be, both of you please refrain from now on to refer to each other's families here, and know in your hearts that there are those that care for both of yours as well as many families in similar, or even worst, situations the world over.

As far as your political / religious battles, I have no problem with either of you raising issues that people might be concerned with, so long as it is done in a civilized manner. In fact, doing so will actually benefit you, as the readers will feel more like reading / responding, not to mention that there are folks in the civilized world watching us thus pathetically fight, instead of civilly debating. Even Gome, who had vowed to quit, couldn't help empathizing.

As far as the specific issues being debated here, which are all valid ones, myself, like our well-respected writer Sam444, do commend Kooka for attempting to give a reasonable response. We've yet to see the other side respond with reason as well. We have no interest in picking sides, but in hearing civil dialogues on pertinent issues.

My above comments may seem like lecturing, but they are meant with utmost sincerity to help you both, and others similarly inclined, to bring more civility into our dialogues.   

May peace be with us all!

posted by ash_pradhan on August 30, 2009 at 9:19 PM | link to this | reply

kooka_lives - this is funny

The questions asked are on the surface reasonable questions, aside from the question about communism/socialism which as you point out are nothing more than political buzz words. The funny part is; unless these questions were asked rhetorically, you seem to be the only person who attempted to answer them honestly and you are blocked by the person who originally posted them. There are no answers to these questions on the original post.

Then to add to the humor, you receive the types of comments found here, which never come close to addressing the topic being discussed (but what else is new?).

The reality of "universal health care" is that most Americans do not fully comprehend what those 3 words actually mean, or how so many other countries go about providing this for their citizens. The arguments thrown up by the detractors to this debate range from the ridiculous to the absurd, all the while ignoring the fact that the good ol USA has the worst health care system of all industrialized nations. Some have even gone as far as to suggest that there is no problem, the nearly 50 million people without access to health care are nothing more than malingerers and malcontents.

The saddest part of all of this is that to a person, every last one of the people that take a stance against that which they do not comprehend have health care themselves.

posted by gomedome on August 30, 2009 at 8:01 PM | link to this | reply

RSM, you are so f-ing full of it
Sorry I write long comments.  I have a lot to say and am going to say it.  Unlike some bloggers here, I actually work at proving my point and not just making mocking comments that have nothing to do with the topic and everythign to do with mindless character attacks.

You 100% devalued my uncle's life.  And I read all you poorly conceived posts and I am well aware that there are illnesses in your family.  Remember you're the a-hole who was not reading any of my posts earlier this year when my father had his heart attack and you basically were mocking him because he wasn't replying to your posts at that time.  Yet if you would have read various posts by me or my father you woudl ave known all that.  Or that I was going through a lot due to my brother in-law dying (Once more due to an issue that most likely would not have been there is we had universal health care) and he was also a hard working father who was just in a situation were he did not have health insurance.  According to your logic, his life is not worth the same as your daughter or any of your parents.

It is 100% TRUE that the elderly and handicapped are the reasons behind the high costs of all health plans out there.  That is 100% undeniable FACT. Right now I have to pay higher insurance rates for my family who is relatively healthy because of the elderly and handicap.  I have accepted that.

Now no where in the Obama proposed health care plan does it ever say anything about not providing for the elderly and handicapped. I checked out the supposed areas that talk about that and you really have to be twisting words and changing the usage of the English language to get it to say anything close to that.

Everything i have seen of the universal heath care plan will benefit me, my family, those like my uncle and brother in-law and those like you and your family and well, every working class person in thsi country. To be against the idea of a universal health care program is saying that people like my uncle should be left to die, because with out such a program that is what will continue to happen.

The reason why I know for a fact you devalue the lives of my uncle and brother in-law is because you are so against this plan and you justification for this is your daughter, which says you think society should put more value on her life than theirs. Even though there is nothing at all to back up your claims, just twisting words well beyond reason, even if it were true, that still does no justify your stance.  You claim you pay for all your daughter's needs, in which case you have nothing at all to worry about.  Of course if you have health insurance then I am other like me are already paying for your daughter's needs, so a universal health care bill woudl make no chance at all in that.

It sounds like you plan to torture your parents and in-laws by forcing their bodies to live well beyond when they are ready to die.  My family is not so cruel.  We love each other and would never force anyone to suffer.  My uncle and my grandfather were both allowed to die.  There was never any talk of putting them on machines or kept alive for the sake of their bodies being alive.  They were both given drugs to ease the pain and just allowed the kind of death that people deserve.  You seem to want to praise the idea of people being the walking dead.

Go a head and block me.  That only shows just how sad and childish (Yes I used the word again, because it very much fits you and those who think like you do) a person you really are.  You main problem with me is that due to you never being right and me never backing down, you are unable to prove me wrong and every case you make is as weak as it gets, and you hate the feeling of being proven wrong so many times.  I take being blocked by the likes of you as being nothing more than sad joke that I can mock and ridicule and use to get more clicks.

posted by kooka_lives on August 30, 2009 at 7:16 PM | link to this | reply

Re: RSM, love how you were 100% off topic there.

If you would admit to reading any of my posts entirely then you would already know that my Mom (85) has Alzheimers, my Dad (85) has Parkinson's, my Father-in-law (72) has diabetes and is blind in one eye and can barely walk, my Mother-in-Law (68) has stage 4 cancer and my daughter is handicapped. I never once devalued your uncle's life. You constantly ASSUME then spin it like "you basically were saying that people like my uncle should be left to die." I never once said that and I must admit after you telling mke of your experience you of all people should be against this obama healthcare crap. Your boy obama said it "the elderly and handicapped are the reasons behind the high costs and if you would research this bill then you would realize that your boy obama could not care less if your uncle or your dad would live. His plan is absoluetly great if you are young and healthy, otherwise you are screwed! However, you would never admit it. I pray to God above that Xman does not have serious life threatening problems becuase under this bastard in the White House, he's as good as gone and that is wrong.

Actually, I was right before but decided to try again against my better judgement. I should have kept you banned. This time I will because your comments are a mile long with the usual 'you are childish' crap and quite frankly, I am tired of reading that liberal crap! SEE YA!  

posted by RedStatesMan on August 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM | link to this | reply

RSM, love how you were 100% off topic there.
I have only gotten blocked about half dozen times.  Most of those times where because the person I was comment to disliked being told the facts.

Justi there blocked me because I told her that to create and spread propaganda was a childish thing to do.  The comment it self was not even directed at her.  She blocked me once before that because I told her she had every right to her views but that I disagreed with her.

I get blocked becasue there are these conservative fundamentalists out there who dislike facts, reality and the actual truth.  They would rather not listen to the truth and pretned that their delusions are somehow the way things really are.

And go a head and keep all my comments.  You've yet to prove me wrong even once.  I on the other hand have proven you wrong many times.  Hell it's as easy as it gets to prove you wrong.

And you very much use your daughter's handicap all the time.  You tried to compare your daughter's needs and value to that of my uncle's. Do you think for one moment that somehow that is acceptable?  You basically were sayign that people like my uncle should be left to die while we have to go and make sure those like your daughter get protected.  All that was was a play for sympathy an I do not take kindly to just a-hole attitudes and I will not sit back and pretend that what you did was not about as insulting as it gets to the actual value of a person's life.  That is the kind of thing that should not be tolorated, but my uncle was a healthy adult who had a family to support, so no one seems to care if you devalue his life as benign worthless for some reason.  yet far be it from me to make a honest observation about a sad little man who seems to believe that all he has to do is mention his daughter is not perfectly healthy to keep anyone from being able to tell him he has it wrong.

And don't even try that banning BS you self righteous hypocrite.  You break Blogit policy with just about every post you write and if I was as juvenile as you and those other conservative a-holes here, you would have been banned long ago.  My comment about how you use your daughter's condition did not violate any Blogit policy, you just are too big of a child to be able to admit the truth in this.

posted by kooka_lives on August 30, 2009 at 1:16 PM | link to this | reply

I Will Not Block You Unless...

I want your comments. All that I can receive because I need them for the future.  However, the one time that I did block you was when you accused me of using my daughter's handicap as some sort of a 'play' on a topic. That will not be tolerated. You should have been banned for life on this website due to that comment.

However, since I know what you are, a liberal atheist, that does not shock me but I want your comments because I know that one day I will prove you wrong about everything once and for all and I certainly do not want to miss that moment!

posted by RedStatesMan on August 29, 2009 at 10:07 PM | link to this | reply

You get blocked a lot on here...wonder why?

posted by RedStatesMan on August 29, 2009 at 10:02 PM | link to this | reply

I commend you for taking on the questions! sam

posted by sam444 on August 29, 2009 at 2:46 PM | link to this | reply