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I scare me every time Obama acts like Bush.  I mean to go and do the bail outs.  I disagreed with them when Bush did them and I disagreed with them when Obama followed his example.

If Obama is looking bad right now, it is because of how piss poor of a job Bush did and how bad of shape he left everything in.  A year or two down the road will we be seeing things getting cleaned up and looking beer and Obama will gain the following he needs tog et his second term.

And thanks to the moronic dribble that those like you keep spitting out with out even thinking, when Obama's plans to start to take effect and get this country going right, the Republicans will basically be done for.  They more over react and show themselves to be nothing more than angry children, the bigger their fall will end up being.  And the fall of the republican party will be one of the most positive events to happen in our political history.

posted by kooka_lives on August 30, 2009 at 1:25 PM | link to this | reply

Trust me, obama has never done anything like President Bush! I want you to tell me when obama gets going ok? Why don't you email the bastard and tell him please do not waste time to get going. This is how damn pathetic you people are with your worthless liberalism. I can tell in your own words that you know this bastard is not up to the task! get with it now or later down the road when everyhting falls apart I will rip you from one to the other on these posts and issues! of course I am sure at that time there will some other excuse to support your boy! This bastard must be taken out of office NOW!

posted by RedStatesMan on August 29, 2009 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply

Neither me nor my father have acted anywhere near as desperate as you and so many other MACs I have seen.  You have never once presented a well thought  out argument to defend your claims. You can't go a day without either inventing some load of BS to attack Obame over as you follow the sheep and complain if the man shuffles his feet wrong.  And of course I find it great hat you attack him over and over again for doing what Bush did, the same stuff you defended Bush in doing.  Of course when Obama does a Bush action, I criticize him for it, since unlike you I ma not a pure hypocrite.

About four years ago you kept telling me Bush was right and that we had nothing to worry about, because the housing market was strong and that economy was growing and that nothing needed to be done to keep everything going good.  You were 100% then.  Do you really think for one moment I am going to believe you now? I knew Bush was full of it and I knew the economy was headed for a crash.  Right now, if we keep making sure we do NOT follow the mistake of the Bush administration, we might actually be able to pull it all together and get things back on track.  No more bail outs, no more pointless wars, get us out of Iraq ASAP then stabilize and get us out of Afghanistan ASAP and get a working universal health care program going and then we will be looking much better.

There are always ups and down and as I have said, you and your fellow MACs know that we would be seeing growth right now and are mostly pissed because it is Obama who is in office and who will get credit for the growth.  The real issues will be the long term changes, and it is clear that Obame has a much better plan for this that McCain. It scares me at how close we came to having McCain (AKA Bush Jr. Jr.) being given control and making all the same mistakes Bush did.  Then we would have been headed for a real crash.

posted by kooka_lives on August 23, 2009 at 11:32 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Actually RSM, you are wrong
Signs of desperation? You are posting defense! Every one of both of your posts are always defense for your boy obama. You are defending the economy at every turn as if you are hanging on any kernel of an upswing. trust me there will be an upswing, no doubt there will but this is where both of you do not get it. The upswing will come then it will crash like a plane hitting the ground and I will be here to remind you of this when it occurs. I am not sure what you will say then but I already know it will be either some diversion from the economy or some spin put on it by both of you.

posted by RedStatesMan on August 22, 2009 at 8:17 PM | link to this | reply

Actually RSM, you are wrong
It is stupider. Once more we see evidence that you need to go back and learn English. And that is just one of the many, many, many things you are wrong abotu and have been wrong about.

I am puzzle as to where you see any signs of desperation from us.  Neither my father nor I have gone on mindless attacking sprees filled with nothing more than false information and propaganda, in an attempt to stop the citizens of this country from getting a much needed universal health care program.  Right now it is clear that is the conservatives who are acting desperate.  They speak a lot while saying nothing at all.  I mean when I read the conservative posts here on Blogit I see them making all manner of baseless claims and give no form of evidence to back them up.  I mean even you seem to be greatly confused on if you are for or against socialized medicine.  In truth it has nothing to do with any of the real issues, you are just blindly against Obama on every thing.

posted by kooka_lives on August 22, 2009 at 9:52 AM | link to this | reply


I may be wrong but I think it is 'more stupid' not 'stupider'.

I am concerned that liberals like you and your son are posting comments such as these. You seem desperate. Your desperation makes me worry even more!

posted by RedStatesMan on August 21, 2009 at 11:08 PM | link to this | reply

They look stupid enough now as it is.

They do need to step up their attacks and look like the complete idiots they are as their attacks are shown to be so totally empty.

posted by Xeno-x on August 21, 2009 at 11:09 AM | link to this | reply