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RedStatesMan... do not read well, do you?
Did I say all conservatives are rich? and was I even talking about conservatives really?

No, I was talking about the rich.
The only real assumption I made was that Kooka would call them conservatives, if we are talking about the same people.

Notice this part too... "which a good majority of them likely are" did I say they are? Who is assuming what now?

BTW...I'll take that huge amount of money you offered up. I make $0 - zip right now. The most I've ever made was $7.50 an hour...and that was in management.

I really don't get the last part of your comment at all, which is irrelevant to what I was talking about, about the way most rich people act.

So let me know when you get a clue?

posted by Afzal_Sunny7 on August 19, 2009 at 7:47 PM | link to this | reply

Re: I think it comes down to a few things...
So I guess I'm rich! The funny part of this crap by you liberals is that I would bet a huge amount of money that I do not have that you make more money than I do. Assuming anything is dangerous. Not all conersvatives are rich. Gee, ted kennedy is poor or obama is poor or etc.etc.etc. Not to mention the rich democrats in my town as well as yours. Not all attorneys are conservatives, ha! You people kill me! Let me know when you realize what is going on okay?

posted by RedStatesMan on August 17, 2009 at 8:35 PM | link to this | reply

I think it comes down to a few things...
The rich (or as you would call them, conservatives...which a good majority of them likely are), don't think others "deserve" the same things they do.

I've been in a few forums and have seen the same type of attitude on various subjects. They don't want those "low lifes" shopping in their stores or using THEIR healthcare.

What's even worse is that some of these people have never had to work a day in their life for anything, and they feel this way...even though there may not be to many of says a whole lot.

While many of the poor teach their kids to try to respect everyone and everything, many of the rich teach their kids that the world is their junk yard, and to do what you want, and to whom you want...let someone else clean up the mess if there is one. 

posted by Afzal_Sunny7 on August 16, 2009 at 12:04 PM | link to this | reply