Comments on Twenty-five Things About Me Meme

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  1. At one point my wife and I had four cats, but now we're down to two. The two we had to give up simply wouldn't act right. They weren't sick. Not physically anyway, but mentally, I'm not so sure. Strangely enough, both cats were black. There's some deep social commentary and/or psychological shit afoot with that.
  2. I've never been close to death. A couple car wrecks that could've been a hell of a lot worse and a couple instances in my reckless days of hanging around with the wrong people in the wrong places when gunfire was exchanged, but never have I stared the Grim Reaper in the face.
  3. I write with my left hand, but play sports right handed as well. I won't say I'm ambidextrous, but which hand I use depends on what I'm doing. I don't really use one hand any more than the other.
  4. Eating is a tremendous pain in the ass. If they came up with a wonder pill that had all the nutrients a person needs to survive with no side effects, I'd be the first in line. Sure, I love food, many types and tastes, but the process of consuming is highly over rated.
  5. I never eat leftovers, but I haven't learned to just leave them behind yet. Just last week, I forgot about the sushi I carried out until I stumbled upon the carton several days later. I'm surprised it didn't stink or attack me.
  6. Never "stole" a girlfriend. The girlfriend of someone I knew was strictly off limits, even if their relationship eventually ended.
  7. See my latest post for my opinions of tattoos.
  8. I don't eat corn on the cob. I had braces in high school, couldn't eat it, and now I don't want to. Off the cob, however, is fair game.
  9. My consistency issue is with soft yet crunchy foods like steamed broccoli or carrots and water chestnuts.
  10. Off the top of my head, nothing bothers me like that. I'm sure something does, but I'll have to think about it.
  11. In the fourth grade I went on a field trip to a skating rink. I fell and knocked myself unconscious. I haven't been on skates since. That doesn't have anything to do with getting impaled with a pencil, but it's the only thing I could think of, besides the Joker scene from Dark Knight when he makes the pencil disappear.
  12. Yes, but it's still worth the effort to try.
  13. It's a lot easier when you're responding to someone else's list.  
  14. The simple life is for simpletons.
  15. I too loathe speaking in front of large groups of strangers. Small groups aren't a picnic either. I'm getting better as I get older, however. It's sometimes a neccessity at work and that's made it easier. I'm also finding it easier not to give a shit. If things continue at their present rate, I'm going to be that crotchety old man that says whatever the fuck pops in his head.
  16. I absolutely love Junior Mints. I don't even mind paying five bucks for a box at the movies. Butterfingers run a close second. No one laid a finger on my Butterfingers long before Bart Simpson said so.
  17. I've seen her show a few times, but I'm not impressed. I must admit, she says what everyone is thinking, but the way she says it makes her seem angry and bitter. Maybe that's my problem. I like to believe that everyone isn't angry and bitter when in reality, maybe they are.
  18. I would do over college. Keep my nose to the grindstone and my lips away from the Jack Daniels.
  19. I won't start a confrontation, but if someone pushes that button no one should ever push, I'll finish it. If really pressed, not holds are barred and nothing is out of bounds. I try not to let that happen.
  20. What I really enjoy is taking half a day off. I get a great sense of satisfaction walking to the exit when the rest of the rubes are slaving away.
  21. Only once for me, years ago. My wife and I have been together close to ten years and she's never seen me truly angry. Highly pissed, yes, but never angry.
  22. The crumbs are the best part. That's where all the sugar and what not collect.
  23. I tug at my earlobes a lot, like Carol Burnett perpetually saying goodbye.
  24. The shirt I want says, "Jesus saves! He only takes half damage." It's a reference to one of the rules from Dungeons and Dragons. If you didn't know by now I'm a geek...
  25. It's just the opposite. Take it from a 40 year old.    

posted by Talion_ on March 3, 2009 at 5:24 PM | link to this | reply

#4 was great! It reminded me of my sons and their incredible ability to take out a buffet! lol sam

posted by sam444 on March 3, 2009 at 10:45 AM | link to this | reply