Comments on Muslim cuts his wifes head off for filing for divorce?

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And I forgot to mention...
It is a Muslim belief that a person who has had his head cut off cannot reach paradise...

posted by Nautikos on February 24, 2009 at 5:46 PM | link to this | reply

You know why cutting off heads is one of their preferred methods of killing? It's an ancient Arab custom. Muhammad did it, in Medina, where he was personally involved in cutting off the heads of Jews...

posted by Nautikos on February 24, 2009 at 2:47 PM | link to this | reply

Perhaps he........
discovered his lawyers were going to charge him an arm and a leg, soooooooo.............

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 21, 2009 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply


The funny thing is they have schools over there and women are voting. Oil and bad motives are always possible, but they've also made progress and change. Not without bloodshed but thats a war for you.

On the other hand my attitude is why bother? Will those people appreciate it and do they know what freedom is? The thing with libs is they're so pro-human rights but yet they didn't want old George W stomping through Saddams house. Strange bunch of hypocrites they are.

posted by mordent on February 21, 2009 at 1:37 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Absolutely True!

That is brilliantly stated from beginning to end. Libs and the womens movement are sick. Truly sick in the head.

Attack Christians who are benign and promote Muslims who destroy women and are the antithesis of liberals. Sick, sick, sick. And the most twisted thing of all is you can point this out to them and it changes nothing. Proud to be the sickest hypocrites on the planet.

And you are right. It is time to push them out of the way. Before we're swallowed up by everything bad.

posted by mordent on February 21, 2009 at 1:32 AM | link to this | reply

 Mmmm interesting and I guess that there’s a financial motive in the propaganda such as land and oil. Bill*s Cae

posted by BC-A on February 20, 2009 at 9:15 PM | link to this | reply

Absolutely True!

Your words here are 100% correct! Isn't it strange how years of attacks on Christians, and their beliefs,  from the left that still continue today yet even when confronted with a group who wants to not only take all of their lifestyle away but also kill them the libs have no interest in attacking them? Now that is a twisted mind!

Just look at blogit! Look at the atheist. They are the same way. They would rather attack Christianity than some trumped up crap called Islam which promotes taking over the world; if you do not convert then they kill you. Another thing is, have you ever noticed the women's movement ever stand up for these Muslim women? No, of course not! The women's movement is a liberal organization but they could not care less about those women who are getting their heads cut off.

It is pass time to push the whimpering libs out of the way, push the women's movement out of the way, the anti-war protesters out of the way and turn the middle east to glass! They are asking for the heat then give it to them! Sorry if innocent people get caught up in the elimination. I AM TIRED OF IT! There are 35 terrorist camps set up right now in the U.S. all around us. Time to burn them down and give the worldwide terrorist a choice. Either surrender or we nuke your homeland then still go after those of you who are left in other parts of the world. If you see a towel shoot it!

posted by RedStatesMan on February 20, 2009 at 7:51 PM | link to this | reply