Comments on An Open Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama

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Re: Writer, you're not making any sense at all here
Speaking of not making any sense, Kooka . . . how is it that you think the voters could have retained George W. Bush for a third term? (Wishful thinking? Just kidding . . . ) And any politician's promises, regardless of party, are always to be regarded with suspicion. Obama has excelled in making promises that will be impossible for him to fulfill. Some are contradictory, others will simply be outside his power.

posted by WriterofLight on November 16, 2008 at 8:11 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Not a Good Beginning

"He is also a centrist, as evidenced by his choice of Rahm Emmanuel as chief of staff . . ."

?????  ?????

Rahm Emmanuel has a reputation as a take-no-prisoners, hardline left Democrat. That's "centrist?'

posted by WriterofLight on November 16, 2008 at 8:08 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Kind of a mean spirited letter, no??

Welcome, Benzinha! But there is something bass-ackwards throughout your comment.

I think you missed my point about the problems inherent in promising to be a unifier. Read it again.

Very interesting take on Carter and Reagan. Carter was indeed a good man, but he had no business being president. I'd love to see you explain how the massive job growth in the Reagan years destroyed the economy; by that reasoning, you should be praising George W. Bush to the high heavens for doing it such good with the job losses this year.

I'd also like you to explain how openly stating my concerns for the man and his safety, and my commitment to pray for him, are mean-spirited.

posted by WriterofLight on November 16, 2008 at 8:06 PM | link to this | reply

Xeno made it all the way to the last line before he began to bad mouth somebody while vowing he never does such. Odd. This is a good take on the situation.

posted by Justi on November 7, 2008 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply

first -- the birth certificate that is out there for all to see says he is

an american citizen

and the divisions?  I saw Obama call for unity -- not take advantage of race or anything like that.

On the other hand, t6he other side spouted fear -- and between the lines and under the covers, the racism was obvious -- like in the one video that ran -- the fear and racism was there on the faces of the people and the tone of their voices and in the words that they said.

Isn't it just like Conservatives to warp the facts?

posted by Xeno-x on November 6, 2008 at 6:07 AM | link to this | reply

Heh. Did they ever decide whether B. Hussein Obama is actually an

American citizen????  Seems to me he's still refusing to release that info. 

Ahhh, but it's a moot point now and heck, he's bent or broken so many other rules, what's a little problem of questionable citizenship? 

Life goes on.  As one observer mentioned a few days ago: "pity the fool who wins the election."  Obama appears to be that fool.  I'll be watching closely to see how badly he screws us over.  Undoubtedly, any problems he has will inevitably be blamed on his predecessor, or the (now even smaller) Republican minority. 

posted by JanesOpinion on November 5, 2008 at 8:13 PM | link to this | reply

Not a Good Beginning
A few facts might have helped you in composing your letter to President-elect Obama.  First, a majority of voters with incomes over $200,000 a year chose Obama, which seems to argue against your assertion of "class warfare".   Second, Jimmy Carter was not an exteme liberal, but a moderate, and Reagan simply created his own mess, which included a huge tax increase on the future, on which we still pay hundreds of billions a year.  Third, Obama's proposals, except for those regarding energy, cannot be fairly characterized as fundamentally changing the foundations of American society or the American economy.  He is also a centrist, as evidenced by his choice of Rahm Emmanuel as chief of staff, along side his proposal of a moderate tax increase for the wealthy accompanied by a tax break for the majority.  And, as one who has read Marx and other Socialists, I can state firmly from knowledge that this plan is not Socialist.  It is based in Adam Smith economics, and follows the plans of Theodore Roosevelt, and other conservatives.

The campaign is over.  There is no place in real discussion of the job ahead of this campaign-style rhetoric.

posted by mousehop on November 5, 2008 at 3:16 PM | link to this | reply

It was McCain who broke 'every rule of civility and law' during this campaign.  He sunk to lows not seen in a long time in this country.  Obama decided to not play those kind of games and instead stayed focused on the real issues at hand.  That is why he won.  He showed he was a man of true integrity.
I have no problem with being a gracious winner, if I were to see the other side being gracious losers, but your comment and the attitude of this open letter are NOT gracious at all.
Take Sinome's advice and give Obama the benefit of the doubt for now.  We've yet to see just what he can do.  If we start his off with one side have the attitude that Obama is going to fail no matter what, then there really is no hope for any kind of unity to be created. 

posted by kooka_lives on November 5, 2008 at 2:30 PM | link to this | reply

Writer, you're not making any sense at all here
 You are telling Obama to show he is a man of integrity by NOT following through on anything he said he would do if he got elected...  Okay, I am completely lost as to you rationalization here.  People voted for him because of what he said he would do. For him to do as you suggest IS unquestionably him betraying the voters. If they wanted a man with no integrity at all they would have voted McCain into office instead.  or we could have just kept Bush.  But Obama has shown a high level of integrity and I have no doubt that while he will have to adjust his plans as needed, he will not back down on the promises he made that inspired the country to vote for him.

posted by kooka_lives on November 5, 2008 at 2:22 PM | link to this | reply

I guess  one has the right to be a little on edge considering Mr. Obama has not experience whatsoever heading anything bigger than a committee and has never been faced with the kind of pressures and problems that await him now. It has nothing to do with Bush's dogs or Mr. Obana's actions or those of his followers,  it has to do with the fact that for many of us he is an unknown who might be a great man but he has not been tested and even great men brake under pressure.   The truth of the matter is that  like it or not, he is our president now and its our duty as citizens of this great democracy to try and help him as long as he is acting in good faith and has the welfare of our country in mind.  His personal views he is entitled to have unless he makes them national policy... so lets wait and see. To criticize him now or to put him down is a little like cutting our own throat.  Campaign is over, now we must work together to try to better our situation.  I for one am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he can deliver until he proves me wrong.  A positive attitude will not hurt anyone  and who knows? maybe he is the real thing. We will find out soon enough.  For now I ask G-d to bless him and show him the right way.  Wonderful letter Mr. Berry,  I don't find it mean but rather expressive of your hurt, passionate and heartfelt. perhaps you should send it to Mr. Obama... it couldn't hurt.

posted by Sinome on November 5, 2008 at 1:39 PM | link to this | reply

 You should expand this letter and publish it as a book *

posted by BC-A on November 5, 2008 at 9:00 AM | link to this | reply

I feel the pain , too........Every rule of civility and law was broken in this campaign......we'll never know what was really meant as a plan or agenda, because it will be re-written as needed.

All we can do is examine, and rebuild, and find the right people who will be willing to take stands, not based on touchy feely standards.....we're out here, now all we need is  our "unifier".

In a few comments here we see the venom still's hard for people to be willing to be gracious winners.....sometimes that's worse than being a bad loser.

It's going to be quite a many think all the solutions for their little lives will be coming forth.....a very rude awakening is in store.......

When you work to create a have to satisfy the mob's hunger....a much more daunting task than the formation efforts......

Acorns sown,  now will sprout and  have insatiable appetites......the belly of the Federal pig will be opened and it guts devoured....the question ahead is will it be able to live through the onslaught?

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 5, 2008 at 3:57 AM | link to this | reply

Kind of a mean spirited letter, no??

He IS a unifier already as witnessed by and in  the huge numbers of people unified to elect him.

He doesn't have to be more than that man Bush was, as that seemed to be enough for the people who elected THAT man to office. Why does he HAVE to be better than that? 

Carter was not a failure, the Congress failed to cooperate with a good man who wanted us to NOT play games, but to work together. Reagan united us and then destroyed the economoy with his new Reaganomics.

Don't put more on Obama than any other man has had to carry as president and don't expect more from him when he is inheriting  a mountain of dog poop left by the dogs of Bush, something which no otherman has had to deal with in muchos and many decades.

Your mean letter doesn't give me lots of hope for you unifying with anyone of the Other Side anytime soon.

I hope that others are more open minded and ready to work together than you seem to be. 

posted by benzinha on November 4, 2008 at 10:58 PM | link to this | reply

I agree


We will get a change -- let's hope and pray for the right one.

posted by koinonikos on November 4, 2008 at 10:06 PM | link to this | reply