Comments on The Tree and the Nut

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Re: Mousehop
So far, it seems most of the attempts at fraud here are being caught, but certainly better quality control is needed.  What I read about electronic voting is disturbing.  In the '04 election in Ohio, several voting machines had votes recorded prior to opening the election, and oddly enough, they all voted for the same candidate.  Not a random problem.  And recent tests on the machines showed flaws in the programming, making the voting insecure.

But paper ballots are so old fashioned.  We should just have a scheduled moment, and have everyone shout out their vote all at once, and whoever screams the loudest wins.

posted by mousehop on October 13, 2008 at 7:14 AM | link to this | reply


We in Canada are certainly not unfamiliar with voter fraud, although it seems to me that the problem is more prevalent in the US. From what I have heard some of the ACORN defenders say, they appear to be proud of their cheating, and claim a moral right to do so...

The other issue which, in the eyes of many, opens the door to all kinds of shenanigans is the introductions of electronic voting in some states, unheard of in this country...

posted by Nautikos on October 12, 2008 at 9:45 PM | link to this | reply