Comments on homegirl, leaving Blogit and here she writes about getting paid to write...

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Homegirl, the comment wasn't about AC but its links.
Many are of the pay first variety. if I were doing it I'd try to do it "pay first", but that can also be abused. Very very best of luck!!

posted by majroj on October 17, 2008 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply

Tips like yours are always appreciated. I'm still trying to find writing jobs, it's arduous labor. Many sites look good but are very complicated. Oh well. Re: visit. I'd LOVE those crumpets. I haven't booked my return flight yet but I think I'll be in Miami on the 25th of November at the latest. How long are you staying in Ft. Lauderdale? Let's keep in touch on the subject, ok?

posted by vogue on October 13, 2008 at 7:37 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks benz
I didn't understand that comment about AC.  I have been writing for them for two and a half years and never paid them a cent. they pay me.

posted by homegirl on October 11, 2008 at 7:30 PM | link to this | reply

Re: PS: I'm considering trying out HOWTO.COM myself...(;)>>>

Oh yes, anyone who is a know-it-all like you should be releasing all that he knows out there into the public domain and being paid for it, methinks.....

It'll be FUN !!!!

posted by benzinha on October 9, 2008 at 4:58 PM | link to this | reply

Re: I checked out the link to Assoc Content

Yes, Blogit should probably be their only pay per posting space online and they should look for free and PAYING sites only for their future writing.

Good point.

posted by benzinha on October 9, 2008 at 4:57 PM | link to this | reply

PS: I'm considering trying out HOWTO.COM myself...(;)>>>
It'll be fun!

posted by majroj on October 9, 2008 at 7:20 AM | link to this | reply

I checked out the link to Assoc Content

"DANGER WILL ROBINSON!" Many links to "Pay to join" sites then you will "make your money back" afterwards. Always suspect pay-first operations; there are so many people out there willing to fork over forty bucks without any initial return that the site owners can live on that income stream alone, especially if they run three four or even a hundred of them at once. Make sure it will be that much fun and consider the money your admission ticket. And make sure they don't get exclusive use of your material.

Gomedome, Azur, any thoughts?

posted by majroj on October 9, 2008 at 7:19 AM | link to this | reply

Re: I know majroj, but I buy cameras believing that I will sell something

Perfect then!

I'm just out of stories, and day to day is too mundane. Keep on with it, and very best of luck! I'm still around.


posted by majroj on October 8, 2008 at 8:21 PM | link to this | reply

I know majroj, but I buy cameras believing that I will sell something

that is derived from that purchase.

I see everything as a tool nowadays, not that I know how to use all of the tools that I see, but it is my mindset.

Blogit is not here for me to make money, that would be laughable in light of what I have earned here. I began by thinking that I would use it that way and when my mind was changed by reality, I began to just enjoy the writing and then the comments that came in.

Now, finally, I see it as a tool again, for linking, as an older googled link to my stores, etc. AND, I find that it is like a kinda place. Wow, that formed a link. I wonder where the internet beasties will link it to?? Maybe I should leave it and let it be. Maybe, I will follow it.

Back to what I was saying. It is like a long distanced family that I communicate with when and how I can and am not driven to always communicate with them. This week I am communicating too much with Corbin and RedStateMan and must stop immediately or will be driven cuckoo.

RedStateMan declared all liberals to be dangerous people somehaow gathering to bring down America with their beliefs and votes, when I see it as the Republicans doing that, I will not say the conservatives, but the Republicans, doing that. I think that my POV has been more closely documented as true than his theory.

But, that's what I do at Blogit, like arguing with friends at a cocktail party or a family picnic. I do it with one son and one cousin-in-law and so, why not here?

posted by benzinha on October 8, 2008 at 1:43 PM | link to this | reply

Just like buying camera doesn't mean you'll ever pay for it selling photos.

posted by majroj on October 8, 2008 at 5:12 AM | link to this | reply