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I'll be back for more

posted by malcolm on September 26, 2008 at 1:10 PM | link to this | reply

You are so funny! I love to read you and just enjoy chuckling. I know it is serious material in satire, but I can't help but just lmao! sam

posted by sam444 on September 26, 2008 at 1:01 PM | link to this | reply

Melody, you are such a troublemaker, Barney Rabble-Rouser.  If you are going to point out all of my contradictions then I'm going to take my ball and go home.  Bye-bi love, bye-bi happiness, hello loaning mess -- I think I'm gonna cry.

As you know, I don't agree with the Repugnantcans on every issue, but it's like having the choice between a small sh*t sandwich and a gi-normous sh*t sandwich.  Conservatives are more aligned with what the founding fathers had in mind.  The Devilcrats play devil's advocate to standard patriotic ideals.  There are no more John Kennedys in the party.  (JFK would be a conservative today.)  I say I'm partisan, because, when push comes to shove, I lean Right -- that's Right!  I compromise on individual issues, not on my fundamental principles. 

Talk to you later, Troublemaker.

posted by CunningLinguist on September 26, 2008 at 11:10 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Gapcohen
First, as always, thanks for stopping by.  The problem is defining the "less fortunate" among us.  Of course I'm in favor of helping out those who are in need and are not capable of doing for themselves (I would be king of all hypocrites otherwise), but when the fully capable are expecting a handout, that leaves less available for the truly needy.  Healthcare is shameful in this country right now; it needs an overhaul, but socializing isn't going to make things better.  My friend from Canada wanted to tell me about the Canadian health-care system, but he couldn't talk because he didn't want to lose his place in line waiting for a heart transplant.  (I'm kidding, I don't have any friends.)

Show me an example of where socialism has ever worked.  We are currently in the process of socializing our financial institutions -- really excited about that.  Government does such a good job with whatever they get involved in.  If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free.

By the way, Big Bird is as anti-Israel as Jimmy "Cabal" Carter.  I just find that out through a reliable source.  He was seen with Larry King and President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinnerjacket.

posted by CunningLinguist on September 26, 2008 at 10:33 AM | link to this | reply


Cunning:  I am here in defense of the Bi’s – particularly, the Bayly’s of the WORLD!!  Compromise is the spirit of "give" and "take," the tool for negotiation which is not exclusive to the political arena but also in the day to day functions of everyday people and within your casa and mi casa, unless you are under a totalitarian hacienda.  The scripts are similar except for the words.  Here is an example: “Honey bum, last year we vacationed in Opa-Locka, this year is my turn to visit Hialeah .”   

You are reluctantly pro-choice, Cunning, but would like to see partial birth abortion banned….hmmm….I think you may be seeking a compromise… You are a little bit partisan and little bit "Bi" too!



posted by CunningLinguist on September 26, 2008 at 3:55 AM | link to this | reply

Cunning - If you hadn't dissed Socialism, I would have sworn you're an Israeli, especially when you stated that no other country has the right to tell us how to defend ourselves.  I hear that in Hebrew a lot.  I never understood Big Bird (he was too tall to have that annoying nasally voice) and do believe that dismembering your newest family member - late term abortion - should not be legal (though I do believe in a woman's right to choose abortion before the 2nd trimester). And I even agree with you that ability and merit should trum the color of one's skin. But I can't agree with you on the hard-line stance you take on safety nets for the less fortunate among us; especially where health care is concerned.  A country that doesn't take care of its sick and poor is ill not chill.

posted by gapcohen on September 25, 2008 at 3:55 PM | link to this | reply

Re: myrrhage
Never have I been disagreed with in such a flattering way.  Thank you very much.  Yes, it's true, I never apologize for anything, and I'm sorry about that.

Not only am I going to print this fine, complementary comment out, but I might have it laminated and bronzed.  I'm going to look at it anytime I need my head swollen, or whenever I'm not feeling particularly swell.  Ego reinforcement.

And you're correct about "extreme bipartisanship" and extremism in general.  A contrarian is a person who goes out of their way to disagree with the majority in order to demonstrate how they're not at all influenced by the majority.  Ha ha!

Anyway, you've got my attention.  Holy cow, I never realized how much of a narcissist I am!  Thanks again.

posted by CunningLinguist on September 25, 2008 at 2:16 PM | link to this | reply


You know, I disagree with you on many points.  BUT:

1) I recognize the stellar example of a human being that you are, and have witnessed your amazingness on numerous occasions.  You have a good heart.

2) I admire the balls - I mean, gall - you display by clearly stating your positions, unapologetically.  That takes guts, and I applaud you for it.

Extremism in any form, including extreme bipartisanship (ironic though it sounds), is what scares me.  Not being a politician or much of an orator, I am not prepared to defend my views on various issues.

But I know genius when I see it, which is a breath of fresh air next to the idiotic blathering so common these days.

posted by myrrhage on September 25, 2008 at 1:25 PM | link to this | reply