Comments on Art and Other Nicknames

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oops sorry could not resist - I see my learned friend below left one thing out about that particular historical event that was mentioned.  These warriors had entered into a special mindset through something.. and that I will leave to the google minded for research, thinking and eventual enjoyment..  PS the one I refer to below is a very special person with strong and very good heart as are you.   Thank you

posted by Smittenheimer on August 4, 2008 at 12:04 PM | link to this | reply

You share such deep thinking about a topic you care about.  Many times in the past few days I have had to jump into the pool of thinking because when I'm thinking about myself it is much less more painful than feeling the hearts that are aborbed in the mistery of life now love.  Thank you for providing a sheltering place in your thinking mind.

PS this is a photoshopped image and is only placed here to make you smile - Have a great day

posted by Smittenheimer on August 4, 2008 at 11:57 AM | link to this | reply

As you probably fully realize, evolution doesn't occur in a vacuum, but in an environment that is itself constantly changing.  This is one reason why the Zulu's, armed with spears, managed to slaughter the British, armed with guns, on one occasion and a small number of Boers managed to slaughter a large contingent of Zulu's (and British) on other occasions.  In all these instances the outcome depended to a large degree on the participants ability to "read" and utilize the physical and psychological terrain.  Natural selection is therefore not only dependant on the characteristics of the species itself, but on the whole setting of interrelated and interdependent variables, including the species own mental and physical characteristics and its adaptability to a live environment and its skill in preempting the possible future relationships between all the factors that are all constantly in flux.  Awareness of all the factors involved are therefore more important in some scenarios than simple physical attributes.  Personally I have no objection to evolution theory but a lot gets said about it without any reference whatsoever to the role awareness and its level of complexity plays.  This is were spiritual development plays an undeniable role that many scientists try to deny.  Hopefully you realize that spiritual development is not just the rote repeating of specific words, rituals and dogmas, but actions that foster the development of an ever expanding awareness of the qualities and relationships behind and amongst phenomena.  I look forward to reading your mental terrain.

posted by AardigeAfrikaner on August 2, 2008 at 4:55 PM | link to this | reply