Comments on A New Place To Tell and Read Stories!

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Thanks for sharing your story! I'd like to quote it in a future Pro-Choice Parlor post.

Did you know that Right to Life opposes the morning-after pill? They oppose it because they consider the fertilized egg a "child." To them, preventing that egg from implanting is the same as having a medical abortion.

This is why when people say they are "pro-choice," they really aren't just talking about surgical or medical abortions. They are talking about being free to choose your own form of birth control.

posted by Bunny on November 15, 2003 at 11:31 AM | link to this | reply

My Story

It's funny to think about abortion while I am pregnant. As I've written elsewhere, I remain conflicted about it, and probably always will.

My story isn't about abortion- it's about the Morning After Pill. Years ago, I had sort of a one-night-stand. I say "sort-of" because the guy had actually gone to Sunday School with me, we just hadn't seen each other in like 20 years. He lived across the country and was not emotionally available (or maybe just not too interested in me, if you can believe THAT) and I don't know why I did it. I mean, yes I do. But still.

We took a hike and then slept together. When he pulled out though, the condom stayed in. Spillage. Shit! I pulled the condom out right away, but I was scared. I'm not sure how he felt- he was scheduled to go back to his home across the country in a few days anyway. "Sex between two Jews without a little guilt involved wouldn't be real," he quipped. I think at the time, I was reassured by this because it meant he felt guilty, which meant he would help me with the decision if I got pregnant. But then I remembered the Morning After Pill. And I was not about to wait around and see if I was pregnant. The Morning After Pill stops the fertilized egg from implanting. That is what I wanted, and that's what I did, and everything was fine, and I probably wasn't pregnant in the first place. As prone to guilt as I am, I never did feel guilty about doing that.  

posted by Yoleo on November 15, 2003 at 8:53 AM | link to this | reply