Comments on Equal Pay For Equal Work??? Not for Women on Obama's Staff...

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Corbin, your blog has prompted me to pay attention

I'll admit, I've been slacking in my efforts to follow to US politics for, well...the better part of my short life. Why? Probably because I was content to leave US issues to the American's. Or, maybe I was just being a bit mentally lazy and didn't feel like paying attention.

Either way, having spent some time reading you, I decided to start paying attention. And I realized a couple things. Mainly, that I think you're quite right in your opinion of Mr. Obama. I've listened to his speeches, paid close attention to his words. He's well spoken, and charming--it's easy to see how he's won the hearts of so many.

But for all his talking, he isn't saying much. There are very few details--as far as I can tell, he hasn't actually got a plan for change--he just likes the general concept. And that, I think, makes him dangerous. God only knows what he'll actually do if he takes up residence in the White House. If his administration has a plan, then it's being hidden from the general public--that can't be good.  And if he really doesn't have a plan, as evidenced in his constant empty yammering. Well, that's just as dangerous--imagine, having the leader of such a powerful nation, sitting in Washington flying by the seat of his well-tailored pants.

This comment was, perhaps, off topic. But I just wanted to let you know that you've inspired me to take a more active approach to politics. And for that I thank you.

posted by Sira890 on July 1, 2008 at 10:55 AM | link to this | reply

Now Wait A Minute, Corbin!

This proves that Obama is speaking the truth when he talks about hope and change! He has proven by paying the female staffers, in his campaign, in this way that he does stand for hope and change! LESS hope and LESS change in the pockets of women!

Excellent post! The citizens of this nation who have a brain and can use it to figure out a con job when they see one realize that Obama will do anything to become president. Barrack Hussein Obama is yet another worthless liberal liar!

posted by RedStatesMan on June 30, 2008 at 7:39 PM | link to this | reply

dear, that is why I've said it a million times..."i hate politics". Just because i'm not so big in this arena...i never did understand these people really...

posted by __Purple_Mermaid11__ on June 30, 2008 at 6:39 PM | link to this | reply

Nothing about this surprises me. a) Not the empty suit's failure to practice what he preaches! b) Not the way you continue to do excellent research...

posted by Nautikos on June 30, 2008 at 6:15 PM | link to this | reply