Comments on Email be fair on both sides...

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Re: Wigopa my dear beloved.........
all will be well my will be...thank you so much....

posted by __Purple_Mermaid11__ on June 22, 2008 at 8:33 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Sinome my love..........
thank you so much my beloved mentor......i humbly listen to your kind advices my love.Thank you so very much.

posted by __Purple_Mermaid11__ on June 22, 2008 at 8:32 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Those who can they do and those who can't they teach . --Afzal dear....
your wisdom is much bigger than a life size truth my dear's an honor having your support. Thank you so much my dear friend.........

posted by __Purple_Mermaid11__ on June 22, 2008 at 8:27 PM | link to this | reply

Speechless infact..

posted by Wigopa_ on June 22, 2008 at 12:10 AM | link to this | reply

WOW! I am surprised..I hope all is well Jen...

posted by Wigopa_ on June 22, 2008 at 12:09 AM | link to this | reply

 Jen, again I am sorry  this has happened, but  perhaps its time to end the ugliness and remember what we are here for.  I believe that no one  comes to Blogit to fight or hurt anyone.  I think most of us are here to share our work and learn from the work of others as we enjoy reading them.  Please lets put all of this aside and go back to where we are supposed to be. If this person hurt you so much just block her and go on,  as I am sure she will do to you.  It is unfortunate because you are both talented writers, and kind loving human beings, each in your own style , but hey, it is what it is.  Put your energy in your work my friend,  I for one miss your poems.

posted by Sinome on June 21, 2008 at 10:54 PM | link to this | reply

Those who can they do and those who can't they teach .

posted by afzal50 on June 21, 2008 at 9:19 PM | link to this | reply

Re: You asked for advice and you asked for that advice to be honest,
vickip dear, thank you for your honesty. Yes I did, and i would have appreciated it constructively if she posted her blunt comment at my page, I could have thanked her and gave her advice some consideration. Why this person didnt post it at my blog, if it didnt come mean to you dear is because this person doesnt want people to know his/her capability to be harsh on others, protecting own interest and not the friendship we have built passionately with each other, and that is what hurts dear. Not the bluntness of the comment or the email. But I respect your opinion and stand to this. It maybe a drama to you, but my coming out about this is a fair warning to all, who might get one of this from this person one day, just so they won't be surprised. Thank you dear.

posted by __Purple_Mermaid11__ on June 21, 2008 at 8:19 PM | link to this | reply

You asked for advice and you asked for that advice to be honest,
you even asked that kindness not be obligatory.  You got what you asked for and now you are happily drowning in the drama you solicited and asking all who read you to offer their poor pitiful you comments ... and clicks.  If we were all asked to give our "honest" opinion on everyones blog, it wouldn't be pretty, so we don't ask.  I, for one, would like to see this go away already. You are now, with this latest blog, capitalizing on the chaos that you alone have created.

posted by VictoriaP on June 21, 2008 at 8:09 PM | link to this | reply