Comments on No way to the doctor…. Please advise, I need help!

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Re: Thank you charliemine

Been battling depression since I was 10....and some days nothing works.  That's when I write most of my poetry.  But after 27 years of fighting, I can say that I've got lots of strategies that have been tried, not just read about!  LOL!

Hang  tough, girlfriend.  We're always our worst critics.

posted by CharlieMine on June 10, 2008 at 9:39 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you charliemine
Its the perfect advice for right now to just stay focused. I know your advice is tried and true because it has always worked best for me.Solita 

posted by mothernature on June 10, 2008 at 6:57 AM | link to this | reply


Oh, my sweet, I wish I knew more so I could help....

Practical things: at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise daily--builds your endorphins and serotonin, those "feel good" chemicals.  Add massage as often possible, it decreases stress hormones, increases dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, all feel good hormones.  Get enough sleep, but try to recognize when you are using sleep as an escape....Eat healthy--low fat, moderate carbs (carbs help increase feel good hormones, too), colorful fruits and veggies...

And write down all the things you like about yourself and your kids.  WRITE THEM, because when you are down, you won't be able to think of them, or you will convince yourself that they aren't true, or you don't deserve credit for them.  Write the, frame them, put them on your wall, so when you crash, they are there, unavoidable.  Understand where you have come from, the strength it has taken to move on from unfortunate beginnings, and give yourself credit for your motives.  Maybe what you were trying to do didn't work out as you had planned, but dammit, at least you TRIED, and there are plenty of moms out there who don't. 

You don't deserve to die alone, or to live alone, for that matter.

I admire your strength and your intelligence.



posted by CharlieMine on June 8, 2008 at 10:21 PM | link to this | reply