Comments on the new job...the new diet.... same old stuff just a new day.

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It starts with the Mind!
Hi Baby Doll, On July 28, 2002, I saw myself tape while vacationing in Nags Head, NC. I looked like the Pillsbury Dough Girl with a dress on. I weighed 220lbs, and I am only about 5'2. I made up my mind that I was going to lose that weight. I stopped eatting anything that was white and man made. Carbs went out of my life. I feastd off meat and veggies. Herb tea, Splenda, creame cheese. I lost 60 lbs in a few months. And of course, I excercizes (walked 15-30 minutes per day). I was determined. My husband gained almost the same amount of weight that I lost. He is resentful because I loolk 15 years younger. But, he will get over it. You have got to so this for yourself. Let me tell you this, people will change when you lose that weight. Your friends will not be comfortable about a thinner, prettier you. That will only show you what kind of friends you had in the first place. I still want to lose about 20 more pounds. I haven't reached my goal weight yet. But, i sure do feel better because I am not the woman that I used to be. YOU CAN DO IT! Go to You will find a lot of support on that website. Go for it! Be encouraged!

posted by Hinotes on November 29, 2003 at 4:01 PM | link to this | reply

Okay, look

first of all, find out why in hell your hubby is trying to sabotage your diet. The baby's just ignorant, but the hubby needs to figure out why he feels threatened that you want to lose weight. Is he afraid of having a wife that men will whistle at? Does he think that once you are slender and comely you won't want his punk-ass self sitting around uglifying your house? What's his problem?

Second of all, I strongly recommend a corset, especially if you have big boobs. They are expensive, but they are ever so worth it. The support is unbelieveable. If you don't lace them too tight, they trim your figure and still let you breathe properly. Get a custom-made real corset, not one of those flimsy bits of nothing that they sell at Vic's Secret and Frederick's. Those are sex toys, not foundations. I buy my corsets from Meschantes, and I love them---they are just as beautiful as the sex toys, and you can pick your fabric---they have dozens of beautiful satins and brocades to choose from. I just ordered my third in two years, because they are so comfortable and wonderful.

And if you are trying to lose weight, I recommend finding your local clothing resale shoppes. It's much more economical to buy a few suits there for $20 to $50 than to go to the mall everytime something is too big or too small. My area even has a plus-size resale shop that starts at size 14 and goes up from there. They even have bras, girdles, stockings, and larger-sized jewelry to complement your larger proportions. And they sometimes get new things, still with tags, from people who bought by mistake or from stores clearing out inventory overstocks. You can get some hellacious deals there: I got a Pendleton calf-length wool skirt for $25, and it looked like it had never been worn. I later saw it in their catalogue for $130.

Sorry, I just realized how long this is. Watch the "Fat Blogger" for more later.

posted by editormum on November 4, 2003 at 8:35 PM | link to this | reply