Comments on Bruges-la-Morte, a true ghost story about a haunted house

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Re: Of course you have permission to promote my blog at your site!
I am honored!

posted by The_Lost_Dutchman on May 20, 2008 at 1:15 AM | link to this | reply

I was amazed! What love won't do to folks. I don't think I could venture in to solve the mystery either. sam

Thank you for visiting the epic poem. I feel I was chosen to do this because even  in my wildest dream iI would not have thought I would undertake such a mammoth project. My initial draft is scheduled to be completed in the mid to latter half of 2011. I am currently rewriting what I have written. I am hoping it will only take one rewrite. My poem is reference to the New American Standard Bible. I think it would be accurate to reference 'biblical' in answer to your question on the Holy Bible. sam

I come across a lot of great blogs during the course of my day and I wanted permission to promote your blog at my site. Thanks, sam

posted by sam444 on May 19, 2008 at 1:28 PM | link to this | reply