Comments on The GORE Tries to Cash In on Myanmar Cyclone Tragedy

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Sure - can you say, "MISSING THE POINT"?

Does it not seem unseemly to you that, as the world rushes to send aid to Burma, he's using the disaster to hype his book instead?

Tell you what - I'll take that back if and when he donates his obscene profits on "global warming" to Burmese disaster relief.

posted by WriterofLight on May 9, 2008 at 9:07 PM | link to this | reply


It doesn't take much of a read to see the bias there -- taking certain limited events and trying to build a conclusion that isn't really backed up by the events described.


posted by Xeno-x on May 8, 2008 at 1:33 PM | link to this | reply

I am reading the piece to which you refer.

To me, it looks like Mr. Gore did not appear at the interview for the purpose of using the Myanmar tragedy.  He was promoting a book already in print.  Myanmar happened to have been mentioned, as were a couple other cyclones.

His point was that these are possibly caused by global warming.  He is joining a chorus of those that have warned that storms would increase. 

Now, if you will peruse the facts . . .

I have one word for you.


I have mentioned this time and again, and the statistics and graphs they present (quite objective) demonstrate that Global Warming is indeed a fact, and that (although it will probably take a couple more years to verify the present relationship) warmer temperatures are a result in the rise of CO2 levels.  The one graph that I have pasted on my blog shows that CO2 levels are several times higher than the highest levels in the past; and that temperature at least equals the highest levels in the past(which, by the way have risen when CO2 levels have) -- it's the last several years that we need to note:  it appears that temperatures are not cooling as they have in the past, but are consistently at the high level.

I think that one graph is the best demonstration of the impact of Global Warming.

Those are facts.  What you have stated here is speculation:  a conclusion reached on attaching a statement on Myanmar to an appearance whose point, it seems, is NOT Myanmar -- no exploitation there as far as I can see -- it's just the way you look at things.

posted by Xeno-x on May 8, 2008 at 11:50 AM | link to this | reply

Re: you have to consider the source

Indeed I did consider the source - as opposed to the channel through which his actions were reported.

But look at what you wrote: "But this of course is a conservative ploy -- falsely attribute less than noble motives to the opposition so that they appear less believable than they really are, and try to force them to back down by such stinking propaganda."

Is this not exactly what you were trying to do to Newsbusters when you wrote, "newsbusters is obviously a right-wing rag -- skews news to fit its agenda" rather than even making an attempt at disproving the validity of their - and my - charge that The GORE is profiteering from "global warming"?

Checkmate, my good man.

posted by WriterofLight on May 7, 2008 at 8:14 PM | link to this | reply

you have to consider the source
newsbusters is obviously a right-wing rag -- skews news to fit its agenda.

you did read my latest entry, didn't you?

talk about profit motive and money grubbing.

Exxon/Mobile has put out tens of millions of dollars paying people to basically deny global warming and its source form man-made pollutants.

I would say that is self-serving quite a bit more than Gore's.

But this of course is a conservative ploy -- falsely attribute less than noble motives to the opposition so that they appear less believable than they really are, and try to force them to back down by such stinking propaganda.

But of course, the Exxon/Mobile thing -- that raises suspicions toward anyone denying global warming.

Wouldn't you think?

I have always thought that this was the case regarding several bloggers here.

posted by Xeno-x on May 7, 2008 at 11:05 AM | link to this | reply

from the beginning..........i have felt that gore's interest in the topic was totally's like he sat around a table w/ his "advisors" (daffy duck - goofy & co.) and asked them themselves...."now, how can we reach the citizens of the can we attract their attention"...........answer..........okay.......let's scare 'em. I cannot listen to the man speak......about ANYTHING.......

posted by ZenMom on May 7, 2008 at 6:50 AM | link to this | reply

Interesting reading in the wee hours of the morning when the pain from a three-day sinus headache, egged on by a low barometric pressure area, is keeping me awake, and the continually repeated political results are trying to put me to sleep. 

posted by TAPS. on May 7, 2008 at 1:28 AM | link to this | reply