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Re: Fundamentalist.
I'm not asking anybody to die, to the contrary:  I want the dying at the hands of murderers (both unlawful and lawful) to stop.  Criminals are protected in many liberal states while the innocent are left powerless against them.  Criminals are given the same rights under the law as those who abide by the law.  Yet, a lot of effort and money is used to protect these murderers while they are being put back into society to continue there evil ways.  Meanwhile war is waged on those societies who deal appropriately with them.  By appropriately I mean that they are not given the opportunity to harm the innocent.  Read the whole blog and you will realize that I'm not talking about blind belief.  I'm talking about Real Life.  This God is not just a hypothesis.  It is a name given to what is all around and inside us all the time.

posted by AardigeAfrikaner on February 5, 2008 at 7:56 AM | link to this | reply


Isn't this the way suicide bombers see the world? They are so convinced that their God is the one God that they are prepared to die and commit attrocities to further the goal of their one God.

You see if you believe something that is ridiculous it is is a short step to doing something ridiculous in its name.

posted by Mavro on February 5, 2008 at 2:42 AM | link to this | reply